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论文编号:GM323  论文字数:12398.页数:17  有开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文翻译

摘  要:道德风险是各类保险经济学中常见的问题,在社会保障领域也存在着广泛的道德风险,其中尤以社会医疗保险领域道德风险问题最为突出。本文从我国当前医疗卫生体制下的社会医疗保险道德风险状况出发,对社会医疗保险道德风险的表现进行经济学分析,并用经济博弈论的方法揭示了社会医疗保险道德风险产生的机理,还就我国目前社会医疗保险体制中容易产生道德风险的漏洞提出了一些规避建议。
 A Discuss of Moral Hazard in China’s Social Medical Insurance and It’s Avoiding
 Abstract: Moral hazard is the most common problem in all kinds of insurance industry; it also exits in social security fields especially in the social medical insurance field. The moral hazard in social medical insurance is more outstanding and complicated. This thesis proceeds from the moral hazard circumstance of social medical insurance in China’s current medical and health system, and then make economics analyses of the expressions of moral hazard in social medical insurance. The thesis still use game theory to reveal the moving mechanism of the social medical insurance’s moral hazard. At last, it puts forward some useful suggestions to avoid the moral hazard.
 Keywords: Social Medical Insurance; Moral Hazard; Economics Analyses; Game Theory; Avoiding                    

一、引言 2
二、道德风险的理论内涵 3
三、社会医疗保险道德风险的表现形式 3
(一)需方过度消费问题 4
(二)供方诱导需求问题 5
四、社会医疗保险道德风险博弈分析 7
(一) 过度消费的博弈分析 7
(二)诱导需求的博弈分析 9
五、社会医疗保险道德风险防控 11
(一)对需方过度消费道德风险的防控 11
(二)对供方诱导需求道德风险的防控 12
(三)社会医疗保险制度建设和完善 13
六、结束语 14
致     谢 14
【参考文献】 15

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