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论文编号:DZ061  论文字数:11319,页数:16

摘   要


【关键词】西部旅游  旅游电子商务  网络营销  


In recent years the Electronic Traveling Commerce is one kind of new economical situation. The rich natural landscape and the national culture characteristic in west part of china constitute world-class traveling resources; this is the superiority for west part development. Therefore, developing display bridge link function travels for the west area economics is which one important mission of Electronic-commerce.
This thesis analyzes the developing situation and prospect of the west area E-traveling, and attempts propose the E-marketing strategies and localization for the west travel enterprises. First, it introduce the development of E-traveling at home and abroad, summarize the E-traveling’s concept; second, it introduce the mainly website types in west area, point out these websites existence problems, and put forward several improving proposals; based on that, the key point of this thesis is to propose several combinations strategies for the western travelling product, combing analyzes successful E-marketing case of JiuZhaiGou, hoping it could provide the constructive help to the traveling product and promotion for west part.

【Key word】West Traveling;Electronic Traveling Commerce;E-marketing

目   录

1    引言 ..............................................2
1.1  研究目的和意义 ....................................2
1.2  国内外研究现状.................................... 2
1.3  本文创新与不足 ....................................3
2    旅游电子商务发展情况 ..............................3
2.1  旅游电子商务概念 ..................................3
2.   国内旅游电子商务发展情况 ..........................4
2.3  国外旅游电子商务发展情况 ..........................4
2.4  西部旅游资源分布 ..................................5
2.5  西部旅游电子商务网站运行情况 ......................5
3    西部旅游网络营销组合策略 ..........................7
3.1  推行旅游产品形象策略.............................. 7
3.2  旅游产品价格策略 ..................................7
3.3  旅游网络化渠道策略 ................................8
3.4  旅游促销策略 ......................................8
3.5  西部旅游网络营销与传统营销的整合 ..................8
3.6  网上旅游交易会 ....................................11
4    案例分析 ..........................................12
4.1  九寨沟景点介绍 ....................................12
4.2  九寨沟旅游电子商务网 ..............................12
4.3  九寨沟网络营销 ....................................12
5    结束语 ............................................14
参考文献 ...............................................15
致   谢 ................................................16

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