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论文编号:TM096   论文字数:39949,页数:117  附CAD图

关键词:土木工程,荷载计算 ,结构,规范,施工
  Civil Engineering is an ancient and the modern disciplines, in the process of engineering practice, we should be based on the classic theory of knowledge, constantly accumulated in the engineering practice, the courage to innovate, expand exchanges, the formation of our engineering and technical advantages . Now China is in infrastructure during the peak period, as a new century of civil engineering personnel, we should be based on their specific situation and make full use of China''s human and material advantages, continue to strengthen the engineering and technical exchanges and cooperation in the competitive In the international market place we occupy.
   Structural safety grade two and the design life span of 50 years. Design not consider seismic calculations. The program used cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, the main load-bearing structure of the two-way framework. Conducting load calculation and after estimating beam, select a framework for load calculations, using layered calculated forces, later analysis the most unfavorable load portfolio ,through D value derived wind load, and then cross-section beams framework for the design. And select some floor panels, staircases, the pile foundation design
 The design of our culture in the design of construction projects with awareness training is correct, skilled use of norms, manuals, reference books and standard atlas the ability to work through practical training, the establishment of functional design, construction, the overall coordination of economic thought, further The establishment of buildings, structural engineers sense of responsibility.
 Key words: Civil Engineering. Load Calculation..structure norms construction
 摘要    ………………………………………………… I
 ABSTRS    …………………………………………………II
 目录      ………… ………………………………….  III
1框架计算基本数据……………………………………      1
 1.1框架计算简图 …………………………………………………    1
 1.2基本数据的确立  ………………………………………………… 2
 2.1梁墙荷载计算 ……………………………………………………… 4
 2.2恒荷载计算   ……………………………………………………… 5
 2 .3楼面活荷载计算………………………………………………………8
3内力计算………………………………………………………  8
 3.1荷载等效……………………………………………………………… 8
4内力组合………………………………………………………  31
 4.1框架梁内力组合……………………………………………………   31
 4.2框架柱内力组合……………………………………………………   34
5截面设计………………………………………………………  37
6楼梯设计………………………………………………………   53
 6.1设计资料  … … ……………………………………………………53
7楼面板计算… ………………………………………………… 59
 7.1楼面板布置 ……………………………………………………………59
8本工程采用情况………………………………………………  69
 8.1工程情况…………………………………………………………… …69
 8.2施工部署     …………………………………………………………71
 9.1建筑施工测量     ……………………………………………………82
 9.2基础施工      …………………………………………………………84
 9.3主体工程施工     ……………………………………………………82
 9.4新技术应用…………………………………………………………… 89
 9.5质量保证措施   ………………………………………………………90
 12.1 组织措施………………………………………………………………109
 12.3其它降低成本措施 ………………………………………………109
致谢 …………………………………………………………………112
参考资料 ……………………………………………………………113

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