论文编号:GM232 包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:9293,页数:13
摘 要
【关键词】国际商务谈判 谈判对手 影响
Negotiation is a kind activity of exchanging each others’ ideology, and ideology is the reaction and the result of people’s psychological activity. People express the proposition, make the suggestion, take the strategy, and even finally make the decision at the negotiation table, all that is the result of the people psychological activity. Therefore, it is successful of the negotiation to have the research on the people negotiation ideology. On one hand, it can help us to hold the opponent’s ideology, and then occupy the initiative and advantage. On the other hand, it can also help us to adjust and control our negotiation psychological activity and psychological posture on a proper time, and then we may remain at the best level to create a good condition for negotiation.
This article elaborates the significance of the paper about selecting topic and the concept of the international business negotiation, proposed the importance of analyzing negotiation opponent’s psychology. Then based on the concrete case about analyzing the negotiation of China and Japan farm machinery equipment pointed out that the change of the opponent’s psychology has impact on the international business negotiation, finally we induces that the suggestion according to the change of the opponent’s psychology in the international business negotiation .
【Key Words】International Business Negotiation; Negotiation Opponent; Affection
目 录
1 引论 2
1.1论文选题的意义和背景 .................................................2
1.2国际商务谈判概述 .....................................................2
2 国际商务谈判中分析对手心理的必要性 ...................................3
2.1有助于恰当地表达和掩饰我方心理 .......................................3
2.2有助于营造谈判氛围 ...................................................4
3 基于中日两公司农机设备谈判案例分析对手心理变化对谈判的影响........... 4
3.1中日两公司农机设备谈判案例简介 .......................................4
3.2基于案例分析对手心理变化对国际商务谈判的影响 .........................5
4 应对国际商务谈判中对手心理变化的对策建议 .............................8
4.1增强谈判人员的应战信心 ...............................................8
4.2冷处理谈判对手的过度热情 .............................................8
4.3灵活应变棘手问题和突发事件 ...........................................9
4.4了解国外谈判者的谈判风格与心理特征 ...................................9
参考文献 ................................................................12
致 谢 .................................................................13