论文编号:GM718 论文字数:15079.页数:24
关键词:成品油 定价体制 市场定价
Frequent fluctuations of the price of the finished product oil has seriously influenced Chinese economic development and people''s lives. Local finished product oil pricing mechanism is the topic attention of society. Reform of mechanism was deepened. our country puts new finished oil price tax fee into practice on January 1, 2009, reforming a scheme. The article analyzes the cause of putting present available fixed price system into practice, and tries to analyze the cancer of the present available fixed price system. It brings forward the route deepening our country finished oil fixed price system and by the fact that marketplace needed by the fixed price studying and putting complete marketplace into practice face to face to foreign fixed price system props up conditional arranging.
Keywords: refined oil List price mechanism The Price decided by market
引言 1
第一节 问题的提出 1
第二节 定价体制改革文献的回顾 2
第三节 本文的研究内容 2
第一章 我国现行的成品油定价体制 4
第一节 我国成品油价格体制的发展历程 4
第二节 实行现在的定价体制的原因的分析…………………………………...5
第三节 我国现行成品油定价体制所存在的问题……………………………...6
第二章 一些国家成品油价格形成机制的启示……………………….12
第一节 国际上成熟的现代成品油体系的特点……………………………….12
第二节 各国的成品油价格形成机制………………………………………….13
第三章 对我国成品油定价机制的建议以及总结…………………….15
第一节 对我国成品油定价机制的建议……………………………………….15
第二节 总结及对未来的展望………………………………………………….17