论文编号:GM719 论文字数:20418.页数:33
摘 要
Credit card business as a non-cash transaction payment method is a special industry. It is not only a simple credit trust, but a settlement and consumption method towards the future.
Credit card risk is emerged in the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the U.S. credit card crisis. Under a rapid development of credit card business in China, related problems and contradictions are highlighted. Solutions are needed for the problem and the whole business. At the moment, the researches on credit card problems are mainly focused on credit card itself, rather than the development of banks’ credit card business. With a statement of current development status of Chinese banks’ credit card business, this article will discuss the related problems. And the concrete manifestation and relevant impacts will be stressed. Furthermore, a bank’s real case is introduced in the research.
This article stresses on the following three factors in the analysis progress: 1) the volume of credit card issuers and banks’ profits. The correlation between the volume of credit card issuers and banks’ profits will be stated. Additionally, this article will discuss the specific components in the profits; 2) credit card risk. In this part, by the study of the risk factors, an analysis of the potential risk will be introduced; 3) credit card services and marketing. According to the 4P, 4C, 4R Theory, we will specify the operation in the credit card services and marketing. Trough further researches on the credit card market, this article will discuss the relevant risk and risk management solutions, meanwhile, explore what kind of services and marketing methods credit card business should adopt as to bring a positive effect to the business.
KEYWORDS:credit card, risk, profit, marketing, balance
第一章 导论 1
第一节 选题背景及意义 1
第二节 研究目标和拟解决的关键问题 2
第三节 研究技术路线 2
第四节 研究思路与章节安排 3
第二章 文献综述 4
第一节 国内相关研究文献综述 4
第二节 国外相关研究文献综述 5
第三节 小结 6
第三章 信用卡发展历程回顾 7
第一节 信用卡产生原因及背景 7
第二节 国外信用卡发展史 7
第三节 中国信用卡发展史 8
第四章 中国商业银行信用卡目前发展现状考察 9
第一节 中国商业银行信用卡发展概况(总量、分类) 9
第二节 中国信用卡的消费群体与持有结构 11
第三节 中国信用卡的发卡特色 11
第五章 信用卡发展的影响因素研究 14
第一节 经济发展与政策面向导 14
第二节 市场管理体制和成本 14
第三节 商业银行的战略 15
第六章 中国信用卡发展的风险识别与刻画 16
第七章 信用卡的服务与营销 19
第一节 服务为无形竞争力 19
第二节 营销促进市场开拓 20
第八章 案例分析:中国农业银行某分行2009年信用卡营运分析 21
第九章 中国商业银行信用卡发展存在的关键问题及对策 23
第一节 信用卡盈利平衡点 23
第二节 信用卡风险防范与监控 24
第三节 信用卡市场开拓 25
第十章 结论 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 30