论文编号:GM790 论文字数:11267.页数:16 附任务书,开题报告,文献综述,外文翻译
内 容 摘 要
关键词:激励、 中小企业、制度
At present, China''s rapid development of SMEs in the country''s national development through the play a decisive role, but compared with large enterprises or multinational corporations , there is the lag of incentive system. To improve productivity so that enterprises more competitive, through staff effective incentives to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff''s work, to play the maximum potential employees for access to the best interests of enterprises and maintain the sustainable development of enterprises, the enterprises will continue to do so Strong masterpiece. Although the management of enterprises have realized the importance of the work incentives, but in practical work there are many problems as lack of management incentives, the employees have not reasonable incentive systems to support the system. Therefore, enterprise managers must work to encourage its own continuous learning and training, improve the modern enterprise management level. On the other hand is to establish accurate, fair and reasonable employees incentive mechanism. Is to establish incentive and remuneration paid material from the spiritual needs of staff, will combine incentive mechanism of human nature, to take various means to enhance the work of staff enthusiasm, cultivating a sense of belonging among the staff.
KEYWORDS:incentives,small and medium enterprises, system
第一章 引言……………………………………………………………1
第一节 研究现状……………………………………………… …………1
第二节 研究意义………………………………………………………2
第二章 我国中小企业激励中存在的问题 ……………… … ………4
第一节 对激励对象没有明确的认识……… ………… …… ……………4
一、忽视了对经营管理者的激励…… …… ………… ………………4
二、对企业员工的价值认识不到位 ……… …………… ……………5
第二节 激励方法过于单一 ……………………………… ……… ………5
一、形成原因 ………………………… ………………………………5
二、具体表现…… ………… …………………………………………5
第三节 激励机制的应用缺乏合理的制度支持………………………………7
一、提拔的不公正性 …………………………… ……………… ………7
第三章 中小企业激励问题的解决方法 …………… ………… …………9
第一节提高企业管理者各方面能力, 高度重视激励工作 …… …… ………9
第二节建立精确、公平、合理的企业员工激励机制 …… …………………9
一、理论基础…………………………………… ……………………9
二、设计合理的薪酬制度 …………………………………………… … 10
三、从员工的精神需求出发,将激励机制人性化………………… ………11
第三节 其他措施 ………… ……………………………… …………12
一、建立内部规章制度…………………………………… …………12
二、 建立企业文化………………………………………………………13
三、 建立员工培训体系…………………… ……………………………14
第四章 结束语…………………………………………………………14