论文编号:GM737 论文字数:17084.页数:34
摘 要
It''s long-term weak on consumption which is one of the economic structure, compared with investment and export in China. Therefore, China''s anti-risk ability is not strong. By 2008, the US subprime mortgage crisis sparked international financial crisis, which showed It''s important and urgent to stimulate economic growth by increasing consumption in domestic market.
In the Meantime, consumers are the key factor to increase consumption. And The Consumption Situation is practicable and stable .Thus, we are in the hope of doing some contribution for China''s economy by doing the research in Wenzhou consuming market with The Consumption Situation.
Wenzhou is the consumer research target market as result of the followings. On one hand, it is the high dependence on exports in Wenzhou, a city of Zhejiang Province. On the other hand, Wenzhou is on the top of Zhejiang, an east central China Province, Referring to the per capita annual disposable income and the population.
Therefore, the main contents we should obtain over The Crowded Degree of The Consumption Situation and Wenzhou female consumers. are as follows:
The first one is the gender of consumer groups who leading Wenzhou household consumption and the difference in the average consumption levels in Wenzhou consumer market. The second one is the understanding of crowded degree which is one of consumption situation in reality made by Wenzhou female consumers .The third one is the analysis of the influence of congestion degree .The forth one is the bottom line which the target consumers are able to bear on congestion degree. The last one is the price the consumers are willing to pay to avoid the congestion.
According to the results mentioned above, the countermeasures are proposed to increase the behavior frequency of female consumers'' and the women consumption .
KEYWORDS: consumption situation, congestion degree, female consumers, consumer market in Wenzhou, consumer behavior
第一章 引言 1
第一节 选题背景及意义 1
第二节 研究内容及思路、方法 3
一、 研究内容 3
二、 研究方法和思路 4
第三节 本文的价值之处 4
一、 研究路线 4
二、 研究对象 5
三、 研究内容的使用价值 5
第二章 消费情境及拥挤度的相关理论基础 6
第一节 消费情境相关理论 6
第二节 消费情境之拥挤度的相关概念 8
第三章 温州女性消费者拥挤度的调查分析 9
第一节 问卷调查说明 9
一、 调查安排 9
二、 不足之处 9
第二节 温州家庭消费的主导者 10
一、 温州家庭消费的主导者 10
二、 各年均消费层的家庭消费主导分析 11
第三节 温州女性消费者对于拥挤度的解读 11
一、 温州女性消费者对于拥挤度的解读 11
二、 各消费层对“拥挤”的3大解读比例 13
第四节 拥挤度对温州女性消费者的影响及其程度分析 14
一、 拥挤的影响及其程度分析 14
二、 温州女性消费者的拥挤度承受底线 16
三、 温州女性消费者为规避拥挤愿意支付的对价 19
第五节 调查结论总结 19
第四章 拥挤度调查下,对温州商家政府的相关建议 21
第一节 对商家的建议 21
一、 节省成本,集中火力 21
二、 合理调整空间结构和收银系统 21
三、 提升人员服务水平 22
第二节 对政府的建议 22
一、 政策性的支持 22
二、 信息的支持 23
参考文献 24
致 谢 26
附 录 27