论文编号:GM011 论文字数:10634,页数:15
摘 要
随着中国加入WTO,对外贸易量正以惊人的速度增长着,在贸易蓬勃发展的同时也要积极发展与其配套的银行贸易融资服务项目。进口押汇是国际贸易中经常使用的短期融资方式,由于其方便快捷,国内大多数商业银行都开展了这项业务。但是由于进口押汇是一种新兴业务,我国银行界、法律界对其研究尚浅,在实际操作中,往往面临着较大的风险。本文从进口押汇的概念、特征以及业务流程入手,着重分析了进口押汇业务中的担保机制及风险产生的原因, 还对进口押汇的风险防范措施,提出一点自己的建议。
With China’s entering into WTO, the quantity of import and export is increasing quickly. At the same time, the commercial banks need to develop some trade financing services to meet the development. Import bill purchase is a type of short term financing frequently used in international trade. Most domestic commercial banks carry out such business due to its expediency and efficiency. But because of its novelty, little research has been put on it and there is even less law and regulations. So it contains many risks in practice. This thesis tries to give some advices on preventing risks of import bill purchase though analysis on the guarantee and the causes of risks arising on the basis of the concepts, the features, and business procedure.
The first chapter of this article is the overview of important bill purchase system and gives a brief introduction on the concept, background and procedure of importance bill purchase and analyzes the legal character. The second chapter explains the main risks which the banks must face to in the process of the Import bill purchase. The third chapter gives some suggestions in how to prevent the risks.
【key word】Important Bill purchase; Commercial Bank; Risk Prevention
目 录
1 进口押汇概述 ..................................2
1.1进口押汇的定义 ................................2
1.2进口押汇的法律特征 ............................3
1.3进口押汇的操作规范............................ 3
2 进口押汇中银行所面对的问题与风险 ..............4
2.1进口押汇的风险 ................................4
2.2风险产生的原因 ................................5
2.3司法实践中银行必须面对的问题与风险 ............8
3 对进口押汇风险防范的建议 ......................11
3.1一般防范方法 ..................................11
3.2合同条款的完善 ................................12
3.3加强销售环节的风险防范 ........................12
3.4加强对信用风险的控制 ..........................13
参考文献 .........................................14
致 谢 ..........................................15