论文编号:GM484 论文字数:25645.页数:33
摘 要
关键词:经济体制 义乌模式 市场培育 交易成本 政府规制
Since more than 20 years of reform and opening up to the outside world, “Yiwu Model” has been a good example of regional economic development in China. This paper, applying modern theories of property rights, transaction costs and government regulation, analyses the course of the formation and development and the innovative measures taken by Yiwu local government to cultivate the market. The paper also figures out that Yiwu government has played a positive role in the protection and promotion of the market players, and in guide, adjustment, normalization of market development, in upgrade of commerce and trade competitiveness ability etc.
The paper proposes that recognition,protection of civilian property right and exploration of the imitativeness of the market players are the foundations of the construction of market,while in accordance with market development principle, aimed at promoting market development,reducing transaction costs,and exploiting market development rooms are the keys to the establishment of market,and to grasp the orientation of government functions,keeping a limited and effective role of government are the routes to improve market construction.
This paper also points out that in the course of market development, the limits of government''s activeness and inactiveness are not fixed but changeable, so that the functions of government should be depended on the specific level of development of market economy, some functions might be declined or even totally retreat and some might be reinforced.
KEYWORDS:Economic system Yiwu model market cultivation transaction costs government regulation
第一章 绪论……………………………………………………………1
第二章 文献综述………………………………………………………3
第一节 商品市场有关理论简述……… ……………………………………3
第二节 政府规制有关理论简述……… ……………………………………4
第三章 义乌小商品市场发展历程回顾……………………….………8
第一节 义乌小商品市场的产生……………………………….……… …8
第二节 义乌小商品市场的发展………………………….………………9
第四章 市场形成和扩张过程中地方政府行为分析…………………12
第一节 市场诞生时期的政策“擦边球”效应………………….…………12
第二节 “放水养鱼”的“双赢”税费措施………………………………13
第三节 先“市”后“场”,滚动协调发展………………………………16
第四节 实行“划行归市”,创造接近完全竞争的市场境…………………16
第五节 “以商促工、工商联动”,强化市场的产业支撑…………………17
第六节 培育、完善市场主体…………………………….………………18
第七节 有形市场与无形市场的结合………… …………………………21
第八节 从“管办合一”到“管办分离”,明确政府自身能………………22
第五章 义乌政府培育市场的几点启示………………………………26
第一节 承认、保护民有产权,充分发挥市场主体的创造性………………26
第二节 以市场发展为目标,不断降低交易成本…………………………27
第三节 把握好政府职能的定位,走有限政府和有效政府的之路……………27