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论文编号:GM466  论文字数:17928.页数:30  附文献综述

 摘  要

 关键词:日本汽车、 丰田生产方式 、 竞争力
  The automobile industry has become one of the most important pillars of the development of Chinese economy. Not only restricted in this period,it will make the whole  auto manufacture and its related industries  advance  in a long period of time. Chinese automobile has experienced a tough time of development, which gets through the primary imitation to the self research and development stages. The world class auto company Volvo has been takeover by Chinese new auto firm Geely, which show the ambition to get the global auto market share. Nevertheless, within the industry of  automobile in China, there are mountains of problems which need to deal with recently .While the Japanese auto industry is a mirror which compares with the China’s ,we can learn and analysis more from its company development  Strategy,state support strategy,international competition strategy,and etc. As The most famous example of Japanese auto company, Toyota,give us a lesson to light through upon the advantages  of  Japanese experience in fields of technique ,policy that might be a mirror to Chinese auto industry, at the same time, it demonstrates the spirit of chasing the best from Japanese auto companies.
 Keywords : Japanese automobile  ,Toyota  manufacture  system  ,competitivenes

 第一章  引言………………………………………………………….1
第一节   选题意义………………………………………………………1
第二节   研究的现状…………………………………………………… 1
第三节   研究的基本内容………………………………………………. 2
第二章  战后日本汽车产业发展规模变迁…………………………… 3
第一节   战后日本经济腾飞与背景……………………………………… 3
第二节   日本汽车产业发展…………………………………………….. 3
第三章  日本汽车产业表层竞争力分析……………………………… 6
第一节   表层竞争力概述………………………………………………. 6
第二节   日本汽车产业的表层竞争力分析与评价………………………....7
第三节   表层竞争力中的营销分析----以雷克萨斯汽车为例…….…...…….9
第四章  日本汽车产业深层竞争力分析…………………..………… 11
第一节   深层竞争力概述………………………………………...……..11
第二节   日本汽车产业的深层竞争力分析与评价……………...……….. 11
 第五章 日本汽车产业的发展战略及扶持政策分析……. .…..…………… 14
第一节   日本汽车企业国际化进程…………………………...………....14
第二节   日本政府与通产省的扶持战略…...…………………………… 17
第三节   日本汽车产业的发展战略评析………...……………………… 18
第六章  日本汽车产业对中国的启示………………………..…….... 21
第一节   政府产业政策………………………………………..………. 21
第二节   企业对策………………..…………………………………… 23
第七章 结束语………………………………………………………..  25
参考文献……………………………………………………………..  26
致谢…………………………………………………………………..  27

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