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论文编号:GM791  论文字数:22340.页数:27


关键词: 品牌战略 外贸企业  对外贸易

the strategy of Zhejiang''s Foreign Trade brand


 Facing international economic developments in the situation, facingintense competition in international markets, facing challenges from othercountries in the 21st century, what is the way out for zhejiang foreign trade enterprises? After more than 20 years of reform and development, it has been proven in practice that zhejiang foreign trade enterprises must implement brand strategy to expand exports and create more foreign exchange for the country. zhejiang foreign trade enterprises must develop its own brand-name products so as to survive in the complicated domestic and international markets, and to play a leading role in national economic development.
    Beginning with the background of the zhejiang foreign trade enterprises'' implementing brand strategy, this article stated the purpose and significance of this subject. In the second chapter, it described the meaning of brand, analyzing brand identity. Then, it introduced the concept of brand strategy in detail, illustrating the scope of brand strategy, and the operation and application of brand strategy. Chapter Three analyzed zhejiang foreign trade industry representing the situation of brand marketing in zhejiang foreign trade. Chapter Four showed the problems and reasons of brand strategy of zhejiang foreign trade enterprises. Finally, from the specific measures and strategic measures, it discussed the countermeasures of implementing brand strategy for zhejiang foreign trade enterprises.

Keywords: The Brand  foreign trade enterprises   Foreign Trade

选题的目的和意义………………………………………… ……1
品牌战略是一项系统工程………… …… …… …………………6
浙江外贸企业的品牌战略分析……… ………… …………8
浙江外贸企业概况……………………… ……… …… ………8
浙江外贸企业实行品牌战略的必要性分析……………… ………13
第四章  浙江外贸企业品牌战略存在的问题及原因分析… ………15
第一节  浙江外贸企业品牌战略存在的基本问题………………… ………15
第二节  浙江外贸企业品牌战略缺失的根本问题…………………… ……17
第五章  浙江外贸企业品牌战略对策…………… ……… …………20
第一节  中粮集团的品牌战略借鉴分析………………… …… …………20
第二节  发展浙江外贸企业品牌战略的具体措施………………… ………20
第三节 发展浙江外贸企业品牌战略的宏观措施………… … …… ………23
第六章  结论…………………………………………………………25
参考文献…………………………………………………… …………26
致谢………………………………………………………… …………27

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