论文编号:GM659 论文字数:18397.页数:26
摘 要
The textile export industry in Zhejiang Province is one of the cornerstones, also one of the most important components of the National textile industry. How to help the textile industry in Zhejiang Province to change the current situation out of the predicament in this difficult time are today''s social hot issues and the urgency of the task. Based on such a severe situation, according to literature data and statistics to analyze the problem and put forward reasonable proposals and strategies is practical significance. This paper reviews the history of development of the textile industry of Zhejiang Province, introduced the situation and existing problems of Zhejiang textile industry, and use SWOT to analyze some diathesis of the development of the textile industry in Zhejiang Province, and Explained from several aspects of the competitive environment in the new strategy. At present, scholars have made a lot of research, through cleaning up literature, this article seeks to present situation of the textile industry in Zhejiang Province and the development strategy of related research summarized and commented.
KEYWORDS:Zhejiang textile industry,textiles export,development strategy
第一章 引言 1
第二章 浙江纺织业的发展概述 3
第一节 2008年以前的发展状况 3
第二节 2008年的现状 4
第三章 对浙江纺织业发展的SWOT分析 6
第一节 对浙江纺织业的优势分析 6
一、块状经济,产业集聚 6
二、人力资源与劳动力供给丰富 6
三、纺织企业技术装备在国内处于领先 6
第二节 对浙江纺织业的劣势分析 7
一、出口依存度高 7
二、创新能力不强,产品附加值低 7
三、产能结构性过剩,出口品牌实力弱 8
第三节 浙江纺织业所面临的机遇 9
一、配额取消 9
二、中国经济依然保持强劲发展 10
三、浙江区位优势明显,制造成本相对低廉 10
第四节 浙江纺织业发展所面临的挑战 10
一、其它发展中国家成为潜在的竞争者 10
二、人民币对美元持续升值 11
三、出口退税下降 12
四、国际贸易壁垒 12
第五节 浙江纺织业发展进行SWOT分析的总结 12
第四章 浙江纺织业健康发展的策略 15
第一节 宏观方面 15
一、梯度转移战略 15
二、总部经济战略 17
第二节 微观方面 17
一、加快科技创新 18
二、加强品牌建设 18
三、内外销并举,合理运用WTO规则保护自身权益 19
第五章 结束语 21
【参考文献】 22
致 谢 23