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论文编号:GM457  论文字数:19022.页数:28

 摘  要
关键词:巴西市场、浙江企业、机遇与挑战  投资策略
 This paper presents a solution for Enterprises in Zhejiang Province to open up the Brazilian Market in the new economic age. To open up the Brazil Market is one of the major parts of Zhejiang’s diversified market strategy. Sino-Brazil economic relations started quite lately, and the trade and investment cooperation long remained at a relatively lower level. Sino-Brazil economic and trade activities have moved forward rapidly, but the development room is still very huge. It benefit from the rapid economic growth in Brazil, the vast space of potential development and an abundance of natural resources.  The highly complementary with each other will promote Brazil and Zhejiang to obtain more complementary interests and win-win prospects.
 At the same time, however, Enterprises in Zhejiang Province still face many risks and challenges to enter the Brazilian market. The major factors are: the environment of the host country is very complex, intense presses from the international competitors and the weak competitiveness of enterprises in Zhejiang Province. An objective analysis of the situation and prospects for Brazilian market, and to formulate a reasonable strategy is of great significance. This paper supposes to make some discussions on this issue.
 KEYWORDS:Brazilian Market,
 Zhejiang Enterprises
 Opportunity and Challenge
   Investment and cooperation Strategy
第一章  引言 1
 第一节  选题背景 1
 第二节  选题意义 1
 第三节  研究思路 2
第二章   浙江企业开拓国际市场研究的理论基础 3
 第一节   国际市场进入方式选择 3
 第二节   国际市场营销理论 5
 第三节    浙江企业进入国际市场的现有模式 5
第三章  浙江与巴西经贸合作现状分析 7
 第一节  中巴经贸合作概况 7
 第二节  浙江企业开拓巴西初步成果 9
第四章 浙江企业开拓巴西市场的机遇与风险分析 12

第一节 浙江企业开拓巴西市场存在的机遇 12
   第二节 可合作投资的具体产业领域研究分析 14   

第三节 浙江企业开拓巴西市场面临的风险和挑战 16
第五章  浙江企业开拓巴西市场的对策研究 18
第六章  总结 21
 参考文献 22
 致谢 23

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