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论文编号:GM568  论文字数:16541.页数:27

摘  要




 Tourism is receiving increasing attention in the world as a sunrise industry. Although China''s tourism was started later. As one of the main economic growth points, tourism industry develops very quickly in zhejiang province as well as in China in recent years. The total income of china’s tourism in 2008 is about 225 billion yuan including domasdic revence 204 billion yuan and international travel 3.024 billion dollars. It’s a increase of 11.1%comparel with that in last year. what’s the more , This is the happened in the global credit crisis by the United States, under the influence of the situation. But compared with the developed provinces and cities. There are still a certain distance with the tourism income and added value of tourism resources status in Zhejiang province. In order to find the bottlenecks which block Zhejiang development of tourism industry. And To solve these problems exposed. it is necessary to analyze the status quo of tourism industry In zhejiang province.
 There are four parts in this article. the first chapter is the preface, puts forward the research background and significance of papers, and briefly introduced the research methods——SWOT analysis method. The second chapter basically from international tourism and domestic tourism two view of tourism industry in zhejiang in the economic and social development in the role. Because of the tourism industry, the trade relationship involving is quite widespread, almost about all of the third industry with industry and the primary and secondary industries are part of the industry. So obvious effect, can spread industries of national economy, and promotes the great boosting employment. the third chapter use SWOT analysis on the influence of zhejiang tourism and systematic analysis, from the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The fourth chapter put forward the policy to develop the tourism industry in zhejiang about policy system, industry cluster, the product on the guidance and mining international tourism and less likely to work hard based on the analysis of before.

KEYWORDS:ZheJiang,Tourism Economics,SWOT

第一章 引言 1
 第一节 研究背景和意义 1
 第二节 研究方法的介绍 2
 第三节 文献综述概要 2
第二章 浙江旅游经济的现状 3
 第一节 国际旅游方面 3
 第二节 国内旅游方面 5
第三章 从SWOT角度分析浙江旅游发展 8
 第一节 优势 8
一、区位优势 8
二、旅游资源丰富 8
三、文化底蕴深厚 9
四、客源市场已具有较大规模 9
 第二节 劣势 10
一、产品开发基础薄弱 10
二、旅游的开发不当 10
三、管理体制混乱 10
四、旅游文化的剧场化 11
五、部分城市市容不良、全民素质参差不齐 11
 第三节 机遇 11
一、整体经济形势的影响 11
二、政策导向 12
三、北京奥运会的契机 12
 第四节 威胁 13
一、区域旅游的竞争压力大 13
二、旅游资源保护的挑战 13
三、旅游软硬件设施的挑战 14
第四章 促进浙江旅游经济发展的策略 15
 第一节 培育富有国际竞争力的旅游产品集群 15
 第二节 政策法制保障 16
 第三节 加强城市建设,实施人才强旅工程 17
 第四节 重点发展入境旅游 17
 第五节 加强区域合作 18
 第六节 建立国际重要旅游目的地支撑体系 18
参考文献 19
致   谢 21

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