论文编号:GM321 论文字数:14065.页数:20 有开题报告,任务书,文献综述,外文翻译
关键词:产业聚集 对外贸易依存度 风险 对策
The FTD And Its Risk Research Under The Typical Clusters of Zhejiang Province
Abstract: Zhejiang Province is a bettter developed province on clusters in China. Clusters have reduced the costs of production and transportation of the producer and the exporter, increased the producing efficiency largely, so the exporter enable to save time and expense druing the international trade, thus it expanded the production, increased the quantity of exportation and enlarged the total amount of foreign trade. The article indicated through the study of “The FTD and its risk research under the typical cluster of Zhejiang Provice ” , that the high FTD coursed by the typical clusters bring huge risks to Zhejiang’s international trade. Therefor, the government should make out relative policy, and the companies should continuly increase the consciousness themselves, by which we use to complete the clusters of Zhejiang, improve the structure of production and trade, enhance the technique of the goods, so make the clusters a stable base for Zhejiang’s international trade.
Key word: Clusters; The foreign trade dependence(FTD); Risks ;
一、引 言 4
二、产业聚集的理论与本质 4
(一)产业聚集理论 4
(二)产业聚集的本质 4
三、浙江产业聚集诱导因素及其现状 5
(一)浙江产业集聚的诱导因素分析 5
1、内部诱导因素 5
2、外部诱导因素 6
(二)浙江产业聚集发展现状 6
1、浙江省产业聚集特征 6
2、浙江省产业聚集发展的规模和形式 6
四、浙江产业聚集下的外贸依存度分析 7
(一)浙江省对外贸易和GDP总量 7
(二)浙江省外贸依存度动态趋势 8
(三)典型产业聚集区域的外贸依存度分析 10
1、部分地区产业聚集下的外贸依存度 10
2、绍兴纺织业外贸依存度典型案例分析 12
(四)小结 13
五、浙江产业聚集下外贸依存度的风险及对策分析 13
(一)浙江省典型产业聚集下外贸依存度存在的主要风险 13
1、过高的外贸依存度不利于产业结构的优化 13
2、从外贸结构来看,过高的依存度,容易引起摩擦和安全问题 14
3、从市场结构来看,高依存度和市场主体的过度集中,加大了贸易风险 15
(二)降低浙江产业聚集下高外贸依存度风险的对策 16
1、优化产业结构,大力发展服务业以降低过高的外贸依存度 16
2、大力发展新兴国际市场,分散外贸风险 16
3、提高产业聚集质量,使其向产业集群发展 17
致 谢 19
[参考文献] 20