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论文编号:GM736  论文字数:17860.页数:28

 Since 90s’ of the 20th century, the world economic structure has changed and the world economic integration process has accelerated and service sector has much developed. International service trade developed rapidly, increasing by the rate of 20% per year, far exceeding the growth speed of goods trade, becoming an important part of the international trade.
  The thesis is a study on the current situation of the development of international service trade in Zhejiang based on this background. First of all, it analyzed the international competitiveness and the competitiveness of various industries in Zhejiang that used the comparative advantage theory and chose competitive advantage indices, the international market share, revealed comparative advantage, and opening level of services trade. These four indexes constituted an indicator system which based on the service import and export data. Secondly, we use the Porter''s "diamond model" and regression model in the qualitative and quantitative analysis to investigate its factors of the potential competitiveness of services trade in Zhejiang.
 Finally, based on the previous analysis, this thesis proposed the ideas to promote the healthy development of international service trade in Zhejiang.
 KEYWORDS:Zhejiang, service trade, current situation of development, the international competitiveness
目 录
第一章  引言 1
第一节 选题意义与背景 1
第二节 研究内容与框架结构 1
第三节 研究方法与特色 2
第二章  服务贸易概述 3
第一节 服务贸易的基本概念、特点及发展趋势 3
一、国际服务贸易的概念 3
二、国际服务贸易的特点 3
三、国际服务贸易的发展趋势 4
第二节 国内外文献综述 4
一、国外研究综述 4
二、国内研究综述 6
第三章  浙江省国际服务贸易发展现状分析 7
第一节 浙江服务业对外开放现状 7
一、浙江服务业的外资规模 7
二、浙江服务业外资结构 8
三、浙江服务业对外开放度 8
第二节 浙江省国际服务贸易的发展现状及问题 9
第四章  浙江省服务贸易的国际竞争力分析 13
第一节 浙江服务贸易国际竞争力现状 13
一、竞争优势指数(TC) 13
二、国际市场占有率 14
三、显示性比较优势指数(RCA) 14
四、服务贸易开放度 15
第二节 影响浙江省服务贸易国际竞争力的因素分析 16
一、生产要素与浙江服务贸易发展 16
二、需求条件与浙江服务贸易的发展 16
三、相关产业支持与浙江服务贸易的发展 17
四、企业竞争力与浙江服务贸易的发展 17
五、机遇与浙江服务贸易的发展 17
六、政府作用与浙江服务贸易的发展 17
第三节 浙江省国际服务贸易发展因素实证分析 18
第五章  总结及对策建议 21
【参考文献】 23
致  谢 25

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