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论文编号:GM597  论文字数:14064.页数:23

摘  要


 In the process of economic integration, in order to reduce the variety of market risk, take the road of sustainable development, enterprises must improve their competitiveness. Zhejiang SMEs play an important role in economic development of Zhejiang Province.
 Based on collection and analysis of the materials of the international competitiveness of SMEs, through the analysis of Nine-Power-Analysis Model, the problems of Zhejiang SMEs are  defined as follows: the financing difficulties, tough export situation, the lack of independent brands, cost competitiveness, enterprise innovation ability is insufficient, human resources is lack, low management level of enterprises. The measures are put forward as  follows: promoting new financing way, easing enterprise financial difficulties; improving export environment, dissolving the risk of foreign trade; improving the product quality, creating their own brands; promoting the enterprise innovation; enhancing cost management, promoting industrial clusters; paying attention to talent training, improve employing mechanism; improving management system and the efficiency of management.

KEYWORDS:small and medium enterprises, competitiveness,  enhancing approaches

第一章   引言 1
一、选题的背景 1
二、选题的意义 2
三、研究的路径与本文的结构 2
第二章  本文研究的理论基础 3
一、中小企业的定义 3
二、企业国际竞争力的含义 3
三、企业竞争力分析 4
第三章 浙江中小企业发展中面临的主要问题 7
第一节 企业发展的内部动力问题 7
一、企业缺少自主品牌 7
二、企业创新能力不足 7
三、人力资源缺失 8
四、企业管理水平低下 8
第二节 政策环境因素影响 8
一、中小企业融资困难 8
二、成本优势逐渐减弱 9
第三节 竞争环境因素的影响 9
一、同产业间竞争激烈 9
二、外贸出口形势严峻 10
第四章 企业竞争力的提升途径 11
第一节 提升企业内部发展的措施 11
一、提高产品质量,创建自主品牌 11
二、推动企业创新 12
三、注重人才培养,完善用人机制 12
四、健全管理体系,提高管理效率 13
第二节 加强外部政策环境的措施 13
一、推进新的融资方式,缓解企业资金困难 14
二、加强成本管理 14
第三节 控制企业竞争环境的措施 15
一、改善外贸出口环境,化解企业外贸风险 15
二、发挥产业集群的作用 15
第五章 结论 17
参考文献 18
致谢 19

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