论文编号:GM742 论文字数:14693.页数:27
摘 要
Mainland of China warrants market is very rapid pace, from the August 2005 issue of warrants since the first one, in less than a year, the Shanghai and Shenzhen warrants market turnover had ranked second in the world market has leapt to the world of warrants the second largest warrants market. China''s warrants market in the rapidly growing but also exposed many problems with the mature markets still lags far behind.
Warrants as derivative products of its underlying stocks, in theory, there is an interactive link with the underlying stock, warrants issued on the spot market would produce a certain extent. In this paper, the basic foundation, combined with my warrant market reality, through its underlying warrants CWB1 SAIC is the price of shares of Shanghai Auto Correlation Analysis, conclusions can be drawn line, and put forward policy recommendations.
Key words: Warrant, Shanghai Automotive, SAIC CWB1, Empirical Study
第一章 引言 1
第二章 权证概述 3
第一节 权证的概念 3
第二节 权证的基本要素 3
第三节 权证的分类 4
第三章 我国的权证市场及权证影响正股理论分析 6
第一节 我国权证市场现状分析 6
一、我国权证市场的现状 6
二、我国权证市场的特点 7
(一)、股权分置背景下推出 8
(二)、发展迅速,投机性强 8
(三)、特殊的创设制度的引入 9
第二节 权证对正股影响的理论分析 10
一、对标的正股股价的影响因素分析 10
二、对标的正股总风险影响因素分析 10
第四章 上汽CWB1对上海汽车股价影响实证分析 13
第一节 数据和研究设计 13
一、数据来源 13
二、研究方法 13
第二节 上汽CWB1对上海汽车股价的影响的实证检验 14
一、指标选择 14
二、AAR和CAAR的显著性检验 15
三、实证结果 16
四、实证结果分析 17
第五章 问题与政策建议 18
第一节 我国权证市场存在的问题 18
一、过度投机 18
二、存在操纵市场的现象 18
第二节 政策建议 19
一、丰富权证品种 19
二、完善交易制度 19
三、加大监管力度 20
结束语 21
【参考文献】 22