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论文编号:GM150    论文字数:12390,页数:18



[关键词]  固定价格  需求   消费群   定位


As the service trade in a tourism part, the food and beverage industry development has the pivotal function to our country`s service trade, this article selects this angle of fixing a price to analyze the question which China walks, advocated hightlights the localization from the fixed price policy and the choice of strategy. The article hold the status that the general policy of fixing price should be the high fixed price, carries on the summary in this foundation to the food and beverage industry characteristic and fixed price strategy. secondly this article enumerate and analyze several fixed price method which is suitable ordinary for the Chinese food and beverage industry internationalization development . subsequently from the supplies and the demand two aspects explained the high fixed price necessity and  the  feasibility,and reminded the service trade marketing to be supposed to pay attention analyze own strength , the market and the competitor situation, then choose the suitable fixed price method.

[key word]   fixed price  demand  expense group  localization

目  录

1 餐饮业国际化发展定价综述 .........................................2
1.1 高定价是定价总方针 .............................................3
1.2餐饮业国际化发展的具体方法和策略 ................................5
2 影响餐饮业定价的因素和特征 .......................................7
2.1影响餐饮业定价的供给因素 ........................................7
2.2 影响餐饮业定价的需求因素 .......................................8
3从定价角度分析中国餐饮业跨国发展的市场定位 ........................11
3.1跨国餐饮业的奢侈品定位 ..........................................11
3.2消费群的定位 ....................................................12
3.3信号传递原则 ....................................................13
3.4加大设备投入比例 ................................................14
4 总结 .............................................................15
参考文献 ...........................................................17
致  谢 .............................................................18

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