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论文编号:GM637  论文字数:19712.页数:27

摘 要



 Since the reform and open policy, our country''s small and medium-sized enterprise has developed rapidly, and become the important center of national economy, has made the important contribution for our country healthy development. The small and medium-sized enterprise fast, healthy, the stable development is the prerequisite of national economy and the social harmonious healthy development, but recent year, the small and medium-sized enterprise survival and the development are facing many questions, and difficult in finances is day by day prominent, has hindered the small and medium-sized enterprise healthy development seriously. This article will analysis the concept of the small and medium-sized enterprise, the development present situation and the contribution, and will analysis the difficult problem formulation reason of finance emphatically by the enterprise, the bank, the government and the social four stratification planes, will seek the measure to solution the difficult on finance problem, will solve the small and medium-sized enterprise to finance properly the difficult on this problem, proposed the new way of the small and medium-sized enterprise will develop , guaranteed that the small and medium-sized enterprise will develop fast and health, will thus promote the national economy to be also develops well and quickly.
KEYWORDS:Small and medium-sized enterprise,Financing,Modern enterprise system

第一章   引言 1
第一节 概述 1
第二节 研究概况 1
第二章   中小企业的发展现状 3
第一节 中小企业的概念 3
第二节 中小企业的发展现状及贡献 4
第三节 中小企业发展面临的问题 6
一、生产技术水平较低,产品同质性较严重,市场竞争日趋激烈 6
二、缺少规范化管理和完善的制度保障 6
第三章   从企业层面分析中小企业融资难问题 7
第一节 经营管理水平不高,制度不完善 7
第二节 中小企业信息不透明 8
第三节 企业自身竞争力不强 9
第四章 从银行层面分析中小企业融资难问题 10
第一节 国有商业银行对中小企业贷款的政策失衡 10
第二节 缺乏专门为中小企业贷款服务的中小金融机构 10
第三节 中小企业直接融资渠道不畅通 10
第四节 从其他层面分析 11
第五章   中小企业融资难问题的解决措施 12
第一节 企业自身解决措施 12
一、建立现代企业制度,健全和完善各项规章管理制度 12
二、提高企业竞争力 14
三、建立人才储备 15
第二节 银行贷款解决措施 16
一、改变银行经营理念,提高银行的风险管理水平 16
二、加大国有商业银行的融资力度 16
三、大力发展中小金融机构 16
四、融资难问题的其他解决措施 19
第六章   中小企业未来发展趋势 20
第一节 提高自主创新能力 20
第二节 小结 20
【参考文献】 21
致    谢 22
附件一:案例背景介绍 23
案例一:温州强能水暖管业有限公司 23
案例二:苍南农村合作银行 23

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