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论文编号:GM218    包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:13296,页数:14

摘  要


【关键词】文化差异 商务谈判 谈判对策

Nowadays the cooperation and relationship between countries have become closer and closer because the tendency of the world’s economy globalization becomes stronger and stronger. With the ongoing policy of opening and reforming in China, and the success in entry of the WTO, relationship between our country and other countries in the world will also become closer and closer. Various inter-cultural negotiation activities become more and more frequent, so attention to different cultures’ impact on negotiation is paid by business men. Only when we make a good understanding and correct recognition about the different cultures between our country and western countries can we have a better policy in business negotiation, and serve the socialist market economy.
First, this paper introduces the topics background, as well as negotiations with the culture reviewed. Then, this paper analyzes the Chinese Aokang company and the Italian GEOX company case. This paper analyzes the cultural differences from the negotiation cases and talks about the impact from the difference of the manner and style of negotiation. Then surround the negotiation cases to analyze the negotiation strategy. Finally, we get the cross-cultural business negotiations inspiration from the negotiations.

【Key words】Culture Difference;  Business Negotiation;  Negotiation Countermeasure

目  录

1   绪论 ......................................................2
1.1 选题背景 ..................................................2
1.2 谈判与文化的综述 ..........................................2
2   中国奥康与意大利GEOX公司案例 ..............................4
2.1 谈判案例背景 ..............................................4
2.2 从谈判案例中看中西文化的差异 ..............................5
2.3 从谈判案例中看中西文化差异对谈判方式及风格的影响 ..........6
2.4 从谈判案例中分析谈判策略 ..................................8
3   从谈判案例中得到的启示 ....................................10
3.1 谈判的成功之路是“准备、准备、再准备” ....................10
3.2 谈判人员应各尽其责 ........................................11
3.3 懂得谈判对方的语言是有益的 ................................11
3.4 跨越语言的障碍 ............................................11
3.5 有效地利用时间 ............................................12
参考文献 ......................................................13
致   谢 .......................................................14

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