论文编号:GM646 论文字数:9985.页数:17
摘 要
关键词:住房消费 权数 居民消费价格指数
At present, there are eight basic categories in the official CPI of China, although the living expenses category includes expenditure on owner-occupied housing, this expenditure is replaced by the virtual rent which is calculated by per unit area of mining areas and towns individual housing construction cost. However, there is quite a number of housing in China is calculated based on the completed-housing costs of real-estate development enterprise. Therefore, the housing consumption of official announces cannot truly reflect the real situation of people''s life, causing bias in CPI.
By using the methodology of Wang’s research, the China’s CPI between January of 2001 and April 2009 is re-estimated in this thesis. There are four parts in this thesis. The first part mainly introduces the subject background. The second part discusses the current treatment of housing service and drawbacks in compiling China’ CPI and so on. The third part re-estimate China’s CPI and analyzes the influence of housing service to China’s CPI. The fourth part gives some suggestions about improving China’s CPI system.
KEYWORDS:Housing service,Weight,CPI
第一章 引言 1
第二章 我国目前CPI中住房消费的处理方法及缺陷 2
第一节 我国目前CPI中住房消费的处理方法 2
一、住房消费的处理方法 2
二、自由住房价格波动的处理方法 3
第二节 目前住房消费处理方法存在的缺陷 3
第三章 对我国CPI的重新估算 5
第一节 住房消费权数的重估 5
第二节 对我国CPI的一个重新估算 5
第三节 CPI高估和低估的影响及启示 8
一、CPI高估和低估的影响 8
二、由CPI估计偏误得到的几点启示 9
第四章 改进我国CPI编制方法的建议 11
【参考文献】 13
致 谢 14