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论文编号:ZD064     字数:21337,页数:57 S7-200系列PLC,  价格:100元

摘 要
关键词: 变频器;   恒压供水系统 ;  PID;    PLC

This paper introduces a constant pressure water supple system. It can regulate aut-omatically the quantity and rotational speed of the water pump with the variation of the load. The controlling principle and the hardware circuit are presented in detail.
The basic control strategy of the control system of constant pressure of water supply is: install the control system with motor speed adjustment and programmable logic controller (PLC), it carries out optimization control pump organization of the operation of speed adjustment, and adjusts the number of running pumps, completes pressure of water supply closed-loop control system, reaches the steady pressure of water supply in the changing of rate of flow in the pipe net and the purpose of economizing electrical energy. The control goal of system is the effluent pressure of pump station. Comparing the pressure of system setting and the actual hydraulic pressure coming from feed backed water supply control system, the comparing result inputs the PID regulator which has pressure show, after handling the result, exports analogy signal to the inverter, then using the inverter of the two programmable relay exports RO1 and RO2 to give PLC signal, so PLC judges whether add pump or cut pump. Compared realizing the constant pressure water supply with inverter with realizing the constant pressure water supply with adjustable valve, the effect of energy saving is very notable. The system''s advantage is that starting steadily, the starting current may be restricted within specified current, so avoided the impact of electrical network when it starts; because the average rotational speed of pump is reduced, may prolong the using of pump and valve etc.; may eliminate water hammer effect when starts and stops machines.

Key words:Inverter ;Constant pressure water supply system  ;PID;PLC

目 录

第1章 绪论   1
1.1 PLC的产生和定义   1
1.1.1 PLC的产生   1
1.1.2 PLC的定义   2
1.2 PLC的特点   2
1.2.1 抗干扰能力强,可靠性高  2
1.2.2 控制系统结构简单,通用性强   3
1.2.3 编程方便,易于使用   3
1.2.4 功能完善  3
1.2.5 设计、施工、调试的周期短   3
1.3 可编程序控制器的发展趋势   4
1.3.1 向高性能、高速度、大容量发展   4
1.3.2 大力发展微型可编程序控制器   4
1.3.3 大力开发智能型I/O模块和分布式I/O子系统   4
1.3.4 基于个人计算机的编程序软件取代手持式编程器  5
1.3.5 可编程序控制器语言的标准化   5
1.3.6 可编程序控制器通信的易用化和“傻瓜化  6
1.3.7 可编程序控制器的软件化和PC化  6
1.3.8 组态软件引发的上位计算机编程革命   7
1.3.9 可编程序控制器与现场总线结合   7
第2章 PLC的应用及应用时注意的问题   9
2.1 PLC的应用  9
2.2 PLC应用时应注意的问题  10
2.2.1 温度   10
2.2.2 湿度   11
2.2.3 振动与冲击   11
2.2.4 周围空气成分   12
第3章小区供水系统控制方案的论证  13
3.1 控制系统产生的背景  13
3.2 控制方案  14
3.3 运行特征   15
3.4 经济效益分析   18
3.5 系统的优点   18
3.6 方案论证   18
3.6.1 设备选择  18
3.6.2 控制思想   20
第4章系统接线图及I/O口分配  21
4.1 PLC的I/O口分配及接线图  21
4.1.1 PLC的I/O口分配  21
4.1.2 PLC的接线图  21
4.2 变频器的技术参数设定及接线图  22
4.2.1 变频器的技术参数设定  22
4.2.2 变频器的接线图  23
4.3 PID调节器的电路设计   24
4.4 电气控制原理   25
4.4.1 主控制电路图   25
4.4.2 控制电路设计   25
第5章梯形图设计及程序设计  27
5.1 梯形图设计  27
5.2 程序设计   37
第6章 结论   42
参考文献   43
致谢   44
附录Ⅰ   45
附录Ⅱ   53

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