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摘 要


关键词: PLC 数控制机床


Because the programmable controller (PLC) is specially for one industrial control computer which applies under the industry environment designs, has the antijamming ability to be strong, the reliability is high, the volume slightly, is extremely realizes the integration of machinery ideal control device and so on remarkable merit, therefore through the practice and the deep research, this article proposed uses Simens the S7-200PLC transformation numerically-controlled machine tool''s related opinion and the method, introduced in detail in the control system development needs to know certain questions which and to solve, has given the control system plan and the software and hardware structure design mentality, realizes the related engine bed transformation regarding the Industrial and mining establishment to have the high application and the reference value.

Key word: PLC digital control engine bed


    目 录
前 言 10
第一章  数控机床电气控制系统的概述. 11
1.1数控机床电气控制系统的组成 11
1.2数控机床电气控制系统的数据流 .12
1.2.1计算机数控系统的特点 .12
1.2.2数控系统的功能 .12
1.2.3数控系统的插补原理 13
1.2.4 典型数控系统及其应用 14
1.3 数控机床上的可编程控制器(PLC).14
1.3.1 PLC的工作原理..14
1.3.1数控机床对伺服系统的要求 15
1.3.2伺服电机的特性与选型 .16
第二章 数控机床改造的步骤..23
2.1调研及系统选型 23
2.2准备阶段 23
第三章  PLC的基础知识27
3.1 概述 27
3.2 PLC的由来..27
3.3 PLC的定义..28
3.4 PLC的工作原理 28
3.5 PLC的结构 .29
3.6 PLC的基本性能指标 ..34
3.7 PLC 的分类及应用领域 ..42
3.8 现代PLC的发展趋势 ..47
第四章   PLC应用软件S7-200的安装 53
4.1 安装S7-200设备指南..53
4.2 安装和移除S7-200模块54
4.3 接地和布线指南57
第五章  S7-200编程软件STEP 7 - Micro/WIN3.2..59
5.1 如何控制程序作业.59
5.2  编程语言的形式..61
5.3 STEP7程序的使用..62
5.4 Step 7 MicroWin V3.263
5.5 如何下载程序 .63
第六章  PLC改造数控机床整体方案 .65
6.1数控车床的电力拖动控制要求 65
6.2  PL C 控制电路 .66
6. 2.1  PLC机型选择、硬件连接及 I/ O 地址分配..66
6. 3 数控车床的PLC程序设计 67
6.4 PLC梯形图控制分析68
谢  辞 ..70
参考文献 71
附录 .72
一.数控车床电气原理图 ..72
二  PLC在数控车床系统点位控制中的应用 .74

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