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论文编号:ZD232 论文字数:14031,页数:33

摘 要
 关键词:大滞后系统 ;PID控制器 ;Smith预估控制器



 This paper is based on the long-dead time system. It’s contributed to the system’s and controller design. Attention is also drawn to the controller design of long-dead time system. When the ratio of the dead time and major time constant is little than 0.3, we can use PID controller, we proposed an applied PID design method for the first order plus time delay. But when the ratio is greater than 0.3, or the dead time is too long, the common PID controller is hard to use, then we rely on the Smith predictor. It’s popular. On the base of the existing algorithm, we have added a modified Smith predicator to control the plant with long-dead time. This predictor is more stable and rejected to disturbance. The result of the simulation experiment shows that the mothod is effective.
 Key word: long dead-time system  ;Smith predicate controller  ;PID controller


目 录

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 III
1.1 课题的背景和意义 1
1.1.1 PID控制的优点 1
1.1.2 传统PID控制的局限性 2
1.1.3 大滞后控制算法研究的意义 2
1.2 大滞后系统过程控制的特点 4
1.3 本文的主要工作 4
第2章 控制器的设计 5
2.1 PID调节器 5
2.1.1 引言 5
2.1.2 PID控制的基本原理 5
2.1.3 PID的发展历程 8
2.1.4  PID调节器的分析 10
2.2 Smith预估补偿控制 10
2.2.1 引言 10
2.2.2 Smith预估补偿的基本原理 11
2.2.3 Smith预估补偿器的设计 13
2.3大滞后系统的微型计算机控制 15
2.3.1 引言 15
2.3.2计算机控制系统的原理 16
2.3.3 控制器的离散算法 17
第3章 仿真结果与分析 21
3.1 常规PID与Smith预估补偿的仿真结果 21
3.2 小结 30
结 论 31
致谢词 32
参考文献 33

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