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论文编号:ZD162   论文字数:34536万,页数:46


关键词: 混凝土搅拌站;工控机;可编程逻辑控制器;组态软件

With today''s world of science and technology advancing by leaps and bounds, electrical automation technology have become increasingly improved and optimized, including programmable controllers more widely used in production, greatly enhanced the production of human life and the degree of automation in the development of society and The progress of mankind has played a positive role. Since reform and opening up, China''s economic construction rapid development, overall national strength constantly enhance the state''s infrastructure construction investment increased, pulling the city ready-mixed concrete products to the rapid development, so that the concrete mixing stations have larger space for development .
As the basis for many large projects and construction works have started building high-quality projects need high-quality concrete, but as people in enhancing awareness of environmental protection, in order to reduce noise and pollution, transport and construction management department for the construction of concrete used on the production And management, so that not only requires a concrete batching high precision, but also for the production speed, therefore, concrete mixing equipment in the production process control systems have become an increasing people''s attention. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) with high reliability, with perfect functions, programming is simple and intuitive, can effectively make up for deficiencies in the relay control system.
 This paper describes the concrete mixing plant automation control systems, this system to IPC for the PC, PLC for the next crew, in accordance with the process of concrete mixing stations, the PLC system design and use of controlled 5.0 configuration software, design a Group screen system, statements, the weight of windows and other features, such as static and dynamic interface.

Keywords:Concrete-mixing-station;IPC;PLC;Configuration software



目  录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
1绪论 1
1.1选题背景及意义 1
1.2搅拌站国内外发展现状 1
1.3本论文的主要研究内容 2
2混凝土搅拌站概述及其总体设计方案 3
2.1混凝土搅拌站概述 3
2.1.1混凝土搅拌站的分类 3
2.1.2混凝土搅拌站的组成 6
2. 1.3混凝土搅拌装置的工艺流程 7
2.2混凝土搅拌站测控系统 8
2.2.1配料称重系统(称量系统) 9
2.2.2控制系统 10
2.3混凝土搅拌站侧控系统的总体设计 12
2.4小结 13
3混凝土搅拌站控制系统设计 13
3.1可编程控制器定义 13
3.2可编程控制器的产生及发展 14
3.3可编程控制器得基本工作原理 15
3.3.1实现控制要点 16
3.3.2实现控制过程 16
3.3.3可编程控制器实现控制的方式 17
3.4可编程控制器的选购 17
3.5可编程控制器程序设计 18
3.5.1可编程控制器程序设计思想 18
3.5.2控制算法及其流程 19
3.6工控机的选择与设计 22
3.7上位机设计 22
3.7.1组态软件介绍 22
3.7.2上位机程序设计思想 24
3.8小结 26
4 配料称重控制系统 26
4.1称重控制系统概述 26
4.1.1配料称重控制系统的组成 26
4.1.2几种主要的称重称量系统 27
4.2称重传感器的选型 29
4.2.1秤重传感器的工作环境 29
4.2.2传感器的基础 32
4.2.3传感器的选择 34
4.3小结 34
结论 35
致  谢 36
参考文献 37
外文翻译 38

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