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论文编号:ZD031     字数:9596,页数:30   价格:120元

 摘      要

电梯是高层建筑不可缺少的运输工具,用于垂直运送乘客和货物,传统的电梯控制系统主要采用继电器--接触器进行控制,其缺点是触点多,故障率高、可靠性差、维修工作量大等,而采用 PLC组成的控制系统可以很好地解决上述问题。




Elevator, the necessary transportation tool for tall buildings, is used for transferring passengers and commodities vertically. Most traditional elevator control system adopts relay--- contacting machine as its central director. But this system has so many disadvantages such as too many contacting points, high fault rate, heavy repairing work and so on. So if it was replaced by the control system equipped with PLC, the problems will be solved much more easily.

This essay explains the application of PLC (Mitsubushi PLC) on elevator,by discussing the construction of elevator control system. It also illustrates the general design project, the design process and construction of the PLC control system for three-story buildings, listing the specific main circuit, trapezia control chart of elevator and repertoires. It also shows the construction of frame chart of the system and process flow chart. Thus the programming method of PLC is brought forward on the basis of analyzing and dealing with the logic relationship of random signs. It also designed a complicated elevator control system. If the project can be accepted, it can solve the problems which can be brought by relay, such as too many contacting points, high fault rate, low reliability, long installation and debugging time, heavy repairing work, complex connection and so on.

Keywords:Elevator,PLC,Lader View

目    录
摘     要 .1
第1章 电梯概述 ..3
1.1 引言 ..3
1.2 电梯的发展简史 .3
1.3 电梯的基本结构 .3
1.4 电梯的分类.. 5
第2章 可编程控制器简介 6
2.1 PLC的结构及各部分的作用 .6
2.2 PLC的工作原理.. 7
2.3 PLC的编程语言.. 8
2.4 PLC基本指令 .8
2.5 梯形图设计规则. 11
第3章 三层电梯PLC控制系统设计 ..12
3.1 电梯的控制要求. 12
3.2 三层电梯主电路 .12
3.3 输入输出点数分配 ..12
3.4 PLC外围接线图 ..13
3.5 功能指令表概述 .14
3.6 程序分析. 15
3.7 三层电梯梯形图程序 19
3.8 三层电梯助记符语句程序.. 25
3.9 本系统的不足及改进 27
结 束 语 ..29
致    谢 ..30
参考文献 ..30 

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