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论文编号:ZD255 论文字数:10100,页数:30

摘  要

关键词 可编程序控制器;自动控制;霓虹灯广告屏

 Through controls the neon light to extinguish the order brightly,May demonstrate each kind of gorgeous design shape and the fine typeface,Makes various advertisement screen with the neon light,Achieves the remarkable propaganda effect。Controls the neon light to extinguish brightly extremely importantly, may choose programmable controller (PLC) to take the master control electric circuit, and compiles the corresponding software and links up other outside returns to the hardware electric circuit, finally achieves the automatic control neon light advertisement screen。After a neon light advertisement screen completes, in does not change the hardware electric circuit in the foundation, compiles each kind of software procedure using the programming software design, transmits to the programmable controller on, through its automatic control neon light advertisement screen, may demonstrate automatically each kind has designed the demonstration design and the writing effect, achieves the advertisements propaganda the goal.

Key words  Programmable controller;automatic ;  
 neon light advertisement screen

目  录

摘  要 I
Abstract II
霓虹灯广告屏控制器的设计任务书 III
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 PLC的主要功能和特点 1
1.3 PLC的应用领域和发展趋势 2
第二章 PLC的基本原理 3
2.1 PLC的基本组成及各部分的功能 3
2.1.1 PLC的基本组成 3
2.1.2 PLC各部分的功能 3
2.2 PLC的工作过程 4
2.3 PLC的使用步骤 4
第三章 控制器的硬件设计 5
3.1 控制器系统的设计方案 5
3.2 可编程序控制器机型的选择 6
3.3 PLC端口I/O分配表 8
3.4 PLC端子接线图 9
第四章 控制器的软件设计 10
4.1 霓虹灯的时序波形图 10
4.2 程序流程图 11
4.3 霓虹灯广告屏控制器的软件梯形图 12
4.3.1 八根灯管梯形图程序的说明 18
4.3.2 六组流水灯组梯形图程序的说明 18
结  论 19
参考文献 20
致  谢 21
附 录 22

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