论文编号:ZD176 论文字数:23420,页数:56
摘 要
The design of the topic is the use of programmable logic controller and the converter body WinCC automated monitoring to detect the production process and the corresponding control. Converter steel-making process of ontology process, focusing on the detection instrument control points were introduced analysis, elected by the need to control the detection instrument models; focus on oxygen gun control movements positioning systems and converters body Tilting control system of electric transmission parts Described in detail the use of the Siemens programmable logic controller (PLC) and WinCC monitoring software on oxygen gun control movements positioning systems and converters body Tilting the process control system for the compilation and simulation.
The design first introduced the BOF (in particular body part) of the production process, then converter body automation system is the basic configuration and automation systems that control programme. Next, instrumentation and electrical transmission is part of the implementation of the specific content.
(1) Converter will vaporize the cooling process instrument detection, control flow drawn by AutoCAD (including digital instrumentation, measurement and control points, etc.).
(2) converter with vaporization cooling instruments detect, control system flow chart, respectively, to detect, control instrumentation selected models, tied into a form, clarity of expression.
(3) The drum level control and water supply control of the two most of the electrical control logic in detail on specific, to draw a flow chart of these two control logic. (4) Selection of instruments and technological requirements, such as cutting expenditure components of the Selection
(5) According to the above, the design of the PLC automatic control process are discussed in detail description, including the selection and hardware PLC and PC connectivity configuration.
Key words: WinCC monitoring software, PLC, Vaporization cooling
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
前 言 4
1工艺概述及整体工艺介绍 5
1.1炼钢技术自动化现状与未来 6
1.2设计系统方案介绍 7
2 总体控制方案设计 9
2.2汽化冷却设备 10
2.3汽化冷却工艺 14
2.4控制方案及特点: 15
3设计专题:转炉气化冷却控制系统 18
3.1测控系统设计 18
3.2设备及系统PLC选型 21
3.3 PLC选型及组态: 29
4 结 束 语 34
谢 词 35
参考文献 37
附录一 节流件设计选型计算程序 38
程序代码: 38
(界面一代码) 38
(界面二代码) 40
附录二 测控设备选型表 44