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论文编号:ZD061      字数:11176,页数:30   价格:180元

井下胶带机的运输系统复杂,环节多,运量大,所用的设备种类多,要求高。对于高产高效的现代化矿井的运输系统就必须做到减少环节,消除煤流的停顿,实行不间断的运输连续化 、控制 、检测自动化 ,才能达到高产高效减员提效的目的。
随着计算机技术的飞速发展 ,90年代以来国外先进的矿井采用了工业电视以及运输系统的综合保护 ,利用现代信息技术与网络技术,传送胶带运输机的各种参数以及图像。实现井下皮带运输的集中监控、监测系统 。这样 ,除了安排少量的巡检人员外,没有胶带运输机的操作人员和管理人员 。目前 ,将计算机控制技术、网络技术、工业电视技术、通信技术、电力电子技术,用于井下胶带运输机实现自动控制,自动测量,不紧大大的提高生产效率,增加了煤炭产量而且使设备的可靠性和利用率得到有效提高,劳动人员的安全得到可靠保证,工作环境得到进一步的改善,实现了安全、可靠、经济的运行。
近年来,国内自动化研究单位在胶带运输机控制方面作大量的工作。研制出以单片机和可编程序控制器为主的主控机。以灯光、模拟盘、控制台等屏幕显示的胶带动输机监控监测装置。该系统是由PLC (Programmable logic controllr程序逻辑控制)和MCGS组态控制软件控制自动化及远程控制的胶带控制系统。


The mine shaft adhesive tape''s machine transportation system is complex, the link are many, the transportation amount is big, uses the device category are many, requests high. Must achieve regarding the high production highly effective modernization mine pit''s transportation system simplifies the link, eliminates the coal class the stop, implements the uninterrupted transportation to be continuous, the control, the examination automation, can achieve the high production highly effective personnel losses to propose the effect the goal. Since along with computer technology''s swift development, the overseas advanced mine pit has used the closed circuit TV as well as transportation system''s synthesis protection in the 90s, the use present information technology and the networking, transmits adhesive tape transport aircraft''s each kind of parameter as well as the image. Realizes the mine shaft leather belt transportation''s centralized monitor, the observation system. Thus, few inspects the personnel besides the arrangement, does not have the adhesive tape transport technology, the networking, the closed circuit TV technology, the communication, the electric power electronic technology, uses in the mine shaft adhesive tape transport aircraft realizing the automatic control, the automatic sizing, not the tight big enhancement production efficiency, increased the coal output moreover to cause equipment''s reliability and the use factor has the effective enhancement, the work personnel''s safety obtains the reliable guarantee, the working conditions has the further improvement, has realized safely, reliable, the economical movement. In recent years, the domestic automated research unit did the massive work in the adhesive tape transport aircraft control aspect. Develops by the monolithic integrated circuit and the programmable controller primarily master control machine. By the light, simulates the rubber which screens and so on plate, control bench demonstrated to lead loses machine the monitoring monitoring plant. This system is by PLC (Programmable logic controllr program logic control) and the MCGS configuration control software control automation and the remote control adhesive tape control system.
 key word: Adhesive tape machine, MCGS configuration software


摘要  - 2 -
一、可编程控制器的概述  - 4 -
1、可编程控制器的产生和发展  4 -
2、发展趋势及特点  - 5 -
3、应用   - 5 -
4、结构   - 5 -
5、工作原理     7 -
6、可编程序控制器在煤矿胶带运输机中的应用  - 8 -
二、MCGS组态控制软件的概述   - 9 -
1、MCGS与PLC设备的通讯  - 9 -
2、通讯设备  10 -
三、皮带运输机系统简介   11 -
1、胶带运输机的类型及适用条件   11 -
2、皮带运输机的结构  - 12 -
3、皮带运输机的原理   - 14 -
4、控制功能   ..- 15 -
5、皮带保护功能 ..  .- 15 -
6、主要控制设备   .- 15 -
7、胶带运输机PLC控制I/O分配及程序   - 16 -
8、胶带控制系统的MCGS组态控界面  - 22 -
四、综合网络平台   - 24 -
1、总体网络构架  . - 24 -
2、网络传输架构  . - 24 -
3、调度控制指挥中心以太网   24 -
4、 100M工业以太主干网   - 25 -
5、接入系统网络   - 25 -
6、总体网络   ..- 25 -
7、井下网络部分设计  - 25 -
8、达到的技术指标和参数   26 -
五、设计总结   - 27 -
致谢  28 -
参考文献    29 -

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