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If (Not (m_bLoggedIn)) Then


  End If

  cSocket = CreateDataSocket()

  'Send an FTP command,

  SendCommand("NLST " & sMask)

  If (Not (m_iRetValue = 150 Or m_iRetValue = 125)) Then


  MessageString = m_sReply

  Throw New IOException(m_sReply.Substring(4))

  End If

  m_sMes = ""

  Do While (True)

  m_aBuffer.Clear(m_aBuffer, 0, m_aBuffer.Length)

  bytes = cSocket.Receive(m_aBuffer, m_aBuffer.Length, 0)

  m_sMes += ASCII.GetString(m_aBuffer, 0, bytes)

  If (bytes < m_aBuffer.Length) Then

  Exit Do

  End If


  mess = m_sMes.Split(seperator)

  For i = 0 To mess.Length - 1

  If mess(i) <> "" Then

  mess(i) = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(mess(i), Len(mess(i)) - 1)

  End If

  Next i



  If (m_iRetValue <> 226) Then

  MessageString = m_sReply

  Throw New IOException(m_sReply.Substring(4))

  End If

  Return mess

  End Function

  #End Region

  #Region "取得文件大小"

  ' Get the size of the file on the FTP server.

  Public Function GetFileSize(ByVal sFileName As String) As Long

  Dim size As Long

  If (Not (m_bLoggedIn)) Then


  End If

  'Send an FTP command.

  SendCommand("SIZE " & sFileName)

  size = 0

  If (m_iRetValue = 213) Then

  size = Int64.Parse(m_sReply.Substring(4))


  MessageString = m_sReply

  Throw New IOException(m_sReply.Substring(4))

  End If

  Return size

  End Function

  #End Region

  #Region "FTP登录联结Log on"

  'Log on to the FTP server.

  Public Function Login() As Boolean

  m_objClientSocket = _

  New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)

  Dim ep As New IPEndPoint(Dns.Resolve(m_sRemoteHost).AddressList(0), m_iRemotePort)



  Catch ex As Exception

  MessageString = m_sReply

  Throw New IOException("Cannot connect to remote server")

  End Try


  If (m_iRetValue <> 220) Then


  MessageString = m_sReply

  Throw New IOException(m_sReply.Substring(4))

  End If

  'Send an FTP command to send a user logon ID to the server.

  SendCommand("USER " & m_sRemoteUser)

  If (Not (m_iRetValue = 331 Or m_iRetValue = 230)) Then


  MessageString = m_sReply

  Throw New IOException(m_sReply.Substring(4))

  End If

  If (m_iRetValue <> 230) Then

  'Send an FTP command to send a user logon password to the server.

  SendCommand("PASS " & m_sRemotePassword)

  If (Not (m_iRetValue = 230 Or m_iRetValue = 202)) Then


  MessageString = m_sReply

  Throw New IOException(m_sReply.Substring(4))

  End If

  End If

  m_bLoggedIn = True

  'Call the ChangeDirectory user-defined function to change the folder to the

  'remote FTP folder that is mapped.


  'Return the final result.

  Return m_bLoggedIn

  End Function

  #End Region

  #Region "BinaryMode"

  'If the value of mode is true, set the binary mode for downloads. Otherwise, set ASCII mode.

  Public Sub SetBinaryMode(ByVal bMode As Boolean)

  If (bMode) Then

  'Send the FTP command to set the binary mode.

  '(TYPE is an FTP command that is used to specify representation type.)

  SendCommand("TYPE I")


  'Send the FTP command to set ASCII mode.

  '(TYPE is a FTP command that is used to specify representation type.)

  SendCommand("TYPE A")

  End If

  If (m_iRetValue <> 200) Then

  MessageString = m_sReply

  Throw New IOException(m_sReply.Substring(4))

  End If

  End Sub

  #End Region

  #Region "FTP文件下载"

  ' Download a file to the local folder of the a

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