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要求是这样的1、用c语言编写一个简单的学生信息管理程序,能实现对学生信息的简单管理。2、具体要求:建立一个4个学生的信息登记表,每个学生的信息包括:学号,姓名,和3门课程的成绩(FOX,C,ENGLISH)。       程序运行时显示一个简单的菜单,例如:   (1):信息输入(INPUT)   (2):总分统计(COUNT)   (3):总分排序(SORT)   (4):查询(QUERY)     其中:     (1):对4个学生的信息进行输入;     (2):对每个学生的3门课程统计总分;      (3):对4个学生的总分按降序排序并显示出来;      (4):查询输入一个学号后,显示出该学生的有关信息;............偶先写了个...#i nclude#i ncludestruct student{ int num;    char name[20]; int foxscore; int cscore; int englishscore;    struct student *next;};
void menu(){ cout<<"        welecome to my student grade management system"<struct student *creat(struct student *head) // 函数返回的是与节点相同类型的指针{    struct student *p1,*p2;    p1=p2=(struct student*) malloc(sizeof(struct student)); // 申请新节点    cin>>p1->num>>p1->name>>p1->foxscore>>p1->cscore>>p1->englishscore; // 输入节点的值    p1-> next = NULL; // 将新节点的指针置为空    while(p1->num>0)    {        if (head==NULL) head=p1; //空表,接入表头        else p2->next=p1; // 非空表,接到表尾        p2 = p1;        p1=(struct student *)malloc(sizeof(struct student)); //申请下一个新节点  cin>>p1->num>>p1->name>>p1->foxscore>>p1->cscore>>p1->englishscore;  //输入节点的值    }    return head; //返回链表的头指针}
void count(struct student *head){ struct student *temp; temp=head; //取得链表的头指针 while(temp!==NULL) {  int m;  m=temp->foxscore+temp->cscore+temp->englishscore;         cout<next; //跟踪链表增长 }
}void sort(struct student *head){ struct student *tp; tp=head; int a[4];//定义总分数组 int i,j,k; while(temp!==NULL) { a[i]=tp->foxscore+tp->cscore+tp->englishscore; tp=tp->next; i=i+1; } for(j=1;j<=3;j++)//冒泡法排序  for(k=1;k<=4-j;k++)   if(a[k]}void query(struct student *head){ struct student *temper; temper=head; int number; cin>>number; for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)  { if(number==temper->num) {  cout<<"            name is:"<name<foxscore<cscore<englishscore<next; }}void main(){ menu(); cout<<"    firstly,please input information:"<#i ncludestruct student{ int num;    char name[20]; int foxscore; int cscore; int englishscore;    struct student *next;};
void menu(){ cout<<"        welecome to my student grade management system"<struct student *creat(struct student *head) // 函数返回的是与节点相同类型的指针{    struct student *p1,*p2;    p1=p2=(struct student*) malloc(sizeof(struct student)); // 申请新节点    cin>>p1->num>>p1->name>>p1->foxscore>>p1->cscore>>p1->englishscore; // 输入节点的值    p1-> next = NULL; // 将新节点的指针置为空    for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)     {        if (head==NULL) head=p1; //空表,接入表头        else p2->next=p1; // 非空表,接到表尾        p2 = p1;        p1=(struct student *)malloc(sizeof(struct student)); //申请下一个新节点  if(i<=3)  {   cin>>p1->num>>p1->name>>p1->foxscore>>p1->cscore>>p1->englishscore;  }   //输入节点的值    }    return head; //返回链表的头指针}
void count(struct student *head){ struct student *temp; temp=head; //取得链表的头指针    for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)     {  int m;  m=temp->foxscore+temp->cscore+temp->englishscore;       cout<next; //跟踪链表增长 }
}void sort(struct student *head){ struct student *tp; tp=head; int a[4];//定义总分数组 int i,j,k; a[1]=tp->foxscore+tp->cscore+tp->englishscore; tp=tp->next; a[2]=tp->foxscore+tp->cscore+tp->englishscore; tp=tp->next; a[3]=tp->foxscore+tp->cscore+tp->englishscore; tp=tp->next; a[4]=tp->foxscore+tp->cscore+tp->englishscore; for(j=1;j<=3;j++)//冒泡法排序  for(k=1;k<=4-j;k++)   if(a[k]}void query(struct student *head){ struct student *temper; temper=head; int number; cin>>number; for(int i=1;i<=4;i++)  { if(number==temper->num) {  cout<<"            name is:"<name<foxscore<cscore<englishscore<next; }}void main(){ menu(); cout<<"    firstly,please input information:"<
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