enum p_r_s{ paper,rock,scissors,game,help,instructions,quit};#include main(){ enum p_r_s player,machine; enum p_r_s selection_by_player(),selection_by_machine(); int win,lose,tie; win=lose=tie=0; instructions_for_the_player(); while((player=selection_by_player())!=quit) switch(player){ case paper: case rock: case scissors: machine=selection_by_machine(); if(player==machine){ ++tie; printf("\n a tie"); } else if(you_won(player,machine)){ ++win; printf("\n you won"); } else{ ++lose; printf("\n i won"); } break; case game: game_status(win,lose,tie); break; case instructions: instructions_for_the_player(); break; case help: help_for_the_player(); break; } game_status(win,lose,tie); printf("\n\nBYE\n\n");} instructions_for_the_player() { printf("\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s\n%s\n%s", "PAPER,ROCK,SCISSORS", "In this game", "p is for paper,", "r is for rock,", "s is for scissors.", "Both the player and the machine will choose one", "of p,r,or s. If the two choices are the same,", "then the game is a tie. Otherwise:", "\"paper covers the rock\" (a win for paper),", "\"rock breaks the scissors\" (a win for rock),", "\"scissors cut the paper\" (a win for scissors)."); printf("\n\n%s\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s\n\n%s", "There are other allowable inputs:", "g for game status (the number of wins so far),", "h for help,", "i for instructions (reprin these instructions),", "q for quit (to quit the game).", "This game is played repeatedly until q is entered.", "Good luck!"); } enum p_r_s selection_by_player() { char c; enum p_r_s player; printf("\n\ninput p,r,or s:"); while((c=getchar())==''||c=='\n'||c=='t'); ; switch(c){ case 'p': player=paper; break; case 'r': player=rock; break; case 's': player=scissors; break; case 'g': player=game; break; case 'i': player=instructions; break; case 'q': player=quit; break; default: player=help; } return(player); } enum p_r_s selection_by_machine() { static int i; i=++i%3; return((i==0)? paper:((i==1)? rock:scissors)); } you_won(player,machine) enum p_r_s player,machine; { int victory;
if(player==paper) victory=machine==rock; else if(player==rock) victory=machine==scissors; else/*player==scissors*/ victory=machine==paper; return(victory); } game_status(win,lose,tie) { printf("\nGAME STATUS"); printf("\n\n%7d%s\n%7d%s\n%7d%s\n%7d%s", win,"games won by you", lose,"games won by me", tie,"game tied", win+lose+tie,"games played:"); } help_for_the_player() { printf("\n%s\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s", "the following characters can be used for input:", " p for paper", " r for rock", " s for scissors", " g to find out the game status", " h to print this list", " i to reprint the instructions for this game", " q to quit this game"); }