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这是一个图形变换的程序,按字母“Y”画一个用点组成的圆;按字母“S”画一个用不同颜色填充的三角形;按字母“Z”画一个用不同颜色填充且带有边框图案的矩形;按“q”键退出。data segmentinfo1 db 0dh,0ah,'please choose the letter y,s,z:'db 0dh,0ah,'input q to quit','
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info2 db 0dh,0ah,'choose error!','
  • 上一篇资讯: 微机原理课程设计_字符图形程序_微机原理课程设计
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    Copyright 2008-2020 myeducs.Cn www.myeducs.Cn All Rights Reserved 湘ICP备09003080号 常年法律顾问:王律师
    d3 dw  0total db 12dotyx db 50,160db 60,135db 60,185db 75,115db 75,205db 95,110db 95,210db 110,114db 110,210db 130,135db 130,195db 145,165data  endsstack segment stackdb 200 dup(0)stack endscode  segmentassume cs:code,ds:data,ss:stackmain   proc farmov ax,datamov ds,axmov ah,0mov al,4int 10hinput: lea dx,info1mov ah,9int 21hmov ah,08int 21hcmp al,'s'jz sacmp al,'z'jz zhencmp al,'y'jz yuacmp al,'q'jz exitmov dx,offset info2mov ah,09int 21hsa:call sanjmp input
    zhen:call zhengjmp inputyua:call yuanjmp inputexit:mov ah,4chint 21hretmain     endp
    san      proc nearpush axpush bxpush cxpush dxmov ah,0mov al,12hint 10hmov al,1a0:      mov dx,1mov d3,1mov cx,320a1:      push cxpush d3a2:      mov  ah,12push axint 10hpop axinc cxsub d3,1jnz a2pop d3add d3,2pop cxinc dxdec cxjne a1inc alcmp al,5jne a0pop dxpop cxpop bxpop axretsan      endpzheng    proc nearpush axpush bxpush cxpush dxmov ah,0fhint 10hmov ah,0mov al,3int 10hmov cx,1                 ;字符数量mov ah,2mov dh,5                 ;5行开始mov dl,25                ;25列开始int 10h;*****光标向下动********line:    mov ah,2int 10hmov al,2mov ah,9mov bl,0e0h            ;字符黄色int 10hinc dh                 ;行增加cmp dh,20               ;20行jne linejmp line1;****光标向右动*****line1:   mov ah,2int 10hmov al,2mov ah,9mov bl,0e0h                ;字符为黄色int 10hinc dl                  ;列增加cmp dl,55                 ;55列jne line1jmp line2;*****光标向上动*********line2:   mov ah,2int 10hmov al,2mov ah,9mov bl,0e0h               ;字符为黄色int 10hdec dhcmp dh,5jne line2jmp line3;***光标向左动***line3:   mov ah,2int 10hmov al,2mov ah,9mov bl,0e0h ;字符为黄色int 10hdec dlcmp dl,25jne line3l00:     mov ah,7mov al,14mov bh,20h  ;绿色mov ch,6mov cl,26mov dh,19mov dl,54int 10h;*****时间控制*****l01:    mov ah,0int 1ahcmp dl,10jnz l01l1:     mov ah,6mov al,14mov bh,0f0h ;白色mov ch,6mov cl,26mov dh,19mov dl,54int 10hl2:     mov ah,0int 1ahcmp dl,15jnz l2l3:     mov ah,7mov al,14mov bh,40h ;红色mov ch,6mov cl,26mov dh,19mov dl,54int 10hl4:     mov ah,0int 1ahcmp dl,30jnz l4l5:     mov ah,6mov al,14mov bh,0d0h ;品红mov ch,6mov cl,26mov dh,19mov dl,54int 10hl004:   mov ah,0int 1ahcmp dl,10jnz l004l005:   mov ah,7mov al,14mov bh,30h ;青mov ch,6mov cl,26mov dh,19mov dl,54int 10hl006:   mov ah,0int 1ahcmp dl,10jnz l006l02:    mov ah,7mov al,14mov bh,20h ;绿色mov ch,6mov cl,26mov dh,19mov dl,54int 10h;****时间控制****
    mov ah,2mov dh,23mov dl,0int 10hpop dxpop cxpop bxpop axretzheng  endpyuan   proc nearpush axpush bxpush cxpush dxmov ax,0004hint 10hmov bx,00push bxmov ah,0bhint 10hmov bx,0003hmov ah,0bhint 10hmov bl,totalmov si,offset dotyxmov ch,0mov dh,chplo:   mov dl,[si]mov cl,[si+1]mov al,02hmov ah,0chint 10hinc siinc sidec bljnz plomov bx,50pop bxpop dxpop cxpop bxpop axretyuan   endpcode   endsend main
  • 上一篇资讯: 微机原理课程设计_字符图形程序_微机原理课程设计
  • 下一篇资讯: 微机原理课程设计_汽车小鸟动画_微机原理课程设计
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