解读《老友记》老友记的经典台词1、虽然沮丧,但听到妹妹莫尼卡终于和喜欢的人约会,还是从心里由衷地为她高兴,甚至有兴致开起了玩笑。爱一个人,所以Ross: go on! It's Paul the Wine Guy! “不用管我,去你的吧,这是你梦寐以求的保罗呀!” 罗斯由于离婚心情十能暂时忘却自己的烦恼,分享他(她)的喜悦。 “If you ever need holding,call my name ,I'll be there.” “当你想找一个肩膀依靠,告诉我,我马上到!” 的背景音乐选得极好,很平常的歌,选出一句,放在一个情景里,都十分煽情。这时的罗斯和瑞秋分别望着窗外,这样孤独的凝望,揭开了罗斯十年的单恋和两人又一个十年的情感纠缠。 Monica: Welcome to the real world! It sucks. You're gonna love it! “欢迎来到现实世界,它糟糕的要命,但你会爱上它的。” 朋友们强迫瑞秋剪掉了老爸给的信用卡,帮她与千金小姐的生活彻底决裂。以后的日子她体会到很多民间疾苦,但收获了更多的幸福。 2、Rachel: word of advice: Bring back the comedian. Otherwise next time you're gonna find yourself sitting at home, listening to that album alone. “我给你的建议是:一定要让那个垫场的再表演一下,不然下次你就只能一个人憋在家里听CD了。” 朋友们来讨论吻对女孩子的重要性。作为男生的我们,即使不能理解,也要记在心头。最美的爱情场景,是白发苍苍的靠在一起。 Ross: You are, you're welling up. “就是你,你出现了。” 罗斯为给未出生的孩子取名一事跟前妻和苏珊争执,继而掉头离去。但听到显示屏里孩子蠕动的声音,立刻停下脚步,呆在了当场。而孩子的姑姑莫尼卡在见到录像里土豆一样的“侄子”时,激动得泪流满面。 3、Phoebe: It's not mine, I didn't earn it, if I kept it, it would be like stealing. “这不是我自己挣的,如果我留着这些钱,和偷又有什么两样呢?” Phoebe: Okay, alright, you buy me a soda, and then we're even. Okay? “这样吧,你请我喝瓶汽水,我们就扯平了,好吗?” 菲比的诚实、善良基本上达到了“变态”的程度。难以置信一个在街头成长,从苦难中成熟的女孩怎么还能这么清澈、一尘不染。她的银行账户被错误的多打了几百块钱,这个经济窘迫的姑娘竟觉得这是倒霉的事儿。最终她把这些钱送给了街边的乞丐大婶,并欣然接受了乞丐请她喝的苏打水。我们可以做到给一个乞丐施舍,又有几个人能欣然接受乞丐的回赠呢,这是种源于爱的尊重。 4、Ross: Oh, by the way, great service tonight. “谢谢你这么好的服务。” Rachel: (on phone) I've got magic beans. “我得到了杰克的魔豆。” 在咖啡馆做女招待的瑞秋很兴奋地领到人生第一份薪水,却发现少得可怜,朋友们安慰她说这是个好的开始,并给了她很多小费。菲比对她说这就像童话里的杰克,用牛换来了魔豆,最终可能得到下金蛋的鹅。最终,瑞秋不再后悔自己的独立,因为虽然没有能一辈子依赖老爸,也没嫁给那个有钱却不爱的丈夫,她却真正的掌握了自己的生活。(by the way:嫁个不爱的有钱人,very bad;嫁个爱的有钱人,very very good) 5、Phoebe: You've gotta just keep thinking about the day that some kid is gonna run up to his friends and go 'I got the part! I got the part! I'm gonna be Joey Tribbiani's ass!' 乔伊演别人的屁股替身被炒,非常沮丧。菲比安慰他说:“还有机会的,总有一天会有小孩会因为能演你的屁股替身而兴奋不已。” 老友记的主题曲老友记的主题曲i'm be there for you,虽然原始版本只有40多秒,但却浓缩了全剧的主题,而且旋律朗朗上口,本人甚是喜欢.与《成长的烦恼》的主题曲一样的好! AS LONG AS WE GOT EACH OTHERAS LONG AS WE GOT EACH OTHER 《只要我们拥有彼此》I'm be there for you(the extended version)----the rembrandts《为你,我会在那里》----伦勃朗(一个荷兰的画家)
So no one told you life was gonna be this way没有人告诉你,生活会是这样Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA你工作无趣,你口袋无钱,你的爱情总是见光死DOA----Dead On Arrival到达前死亡It's like you're always stuck in second gear这好像你永远在第二档be stuck---被困,被骗second gear---二档When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year从来没有你的那一天,你的那一周,你的那一个月,乃至你的那一年or even---乃至But但是I'm be there for you when the rain starts to pour为你,我仍然会在那里当大雨倾盆而下的时候I'm be there for you like I've been before为你,我仍然会在那里,就像我一直做的那样I'm be there for you cause you're there for me too为你,我仍然会在那里,因为你也曾为我在那
You're still in bed at ten and work began at eight你仍然是早上八点开始工作,晚上十点才睡觉You're burned your breakfast, so far things are going great你把你的早餐煮焦了,但到这里为止,生活还算不错Your mother warned you there'd be days like these你妈妈警告过你会又这样的日子But she didn't tell when the world has brought you down to your knees但她没有告诉你,世界将让你屈服ButI'm be there for you when the rain starts to pourI'm be there for you like I've been beforeI'm be there for you cause you're there for me too
No one could ever know me, no one could ever see me原本没有人会认识我,原本没有人会来看我Seems you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me看来只有你知道我将来会变成什么Someone to face the day with, make it through all the rest with有些朋友是用来共度日子的,共同经历苦难的Someone I'll always laugh with又些朋友和我永远是欢笑Even at my worst, I'm the best with you即使在我最糟糕的日子里,我仍然是你最好的朋友at worst----在最坏的情况下yeah耶It's like you're always stuck in second gearWhen it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your yearButI'm be there for you when the rain starts to pourI'm be there for you like I've been beforeI'm be there for you cause you're there for me too。该剧为欧美最受欢迎的情景喜剧。收视率常居榜首,播出以来一直为NBC电视网的招牌戏之一,已经获得十多次艾美奖的提名并数次获奖。这部百看不厌的剧集讲述纽约曼哈顿三男三女六位好友的日常生活。该剧于1994年9月22日晚由美国NBC电视网始播,屡次刷新收视记录,风靡世界整整十年。