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 详细说明:1、扫描本地局域网内同本机同一网段的所有计算机,并将能ping通机器的机器名放在列表中,可以对列表排序,刷新(对JTree的操作)。2、最多添加3个自定义网段。(对于机房特别实用,因为机房不同房间的机器通常在不同的网段中)。自定义服务监听端口(注:保证两台机器端口一致才能互相通信)。3、对于列表中的计算机,可以发送系统消息(前提:系统的信使服务开启,注:windows xp sp2 以后的计算机都是默认关闭的,所以系统服务无效,好在我们学校机房是2000系统)。本网段群发,和局域网群发功能暂未实现(因为群发太邪恶了,实训期间深有体会)。4、任意两台在线(两台机器都打开本软件)可以互相聊天(目前看来除了机房上课的无聊间隙,这个功能实用性实在有限)。5、任意两台在线的机器可以互相传文件(在宿舍试了一下速度基本可以达到百兆局域网上限,所以用在同一宿舍互传文件也不错,省去了U盘、移动硬盘插拔的麻烦,也不需设置恼人的windows网上邻居或FTP服务)。-1, scan the local LAN with this machine all the computers in the same network segment, and will pass the machine can ping the machine name on the list, you can sort the list, refresh (for JTree s operation). 2, add up to three custom segment. (For room especially useful, because the machine room is usually different rooms in a different network segment). Customized service listening port (Note: to ensure that the same port to two machines communicate with each other). 3, for the list of computers, you can send system messages (the premise: The system messenger service is turned on, note: windows xp sp2 after the computer is off by default, so the system service is invalid, and good in our school computer room is a 2000 system). Ben Wang segment mass, and the mass function of local area network yet to achieve (because the mass is too evil, and practical training during the profound understanding). 4, any two-line (two machines are to open the software) can chat with each oth
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