详细说明:(这个是在网上搜集的别人的程序,只是用于学习)这个程序是我的几个研究生去年没事时写的,用的是我写的一些类和函数。ssj这个游戏现在倒闭了,所以我将源代码公布出来。 这些源程序代码全部在VC++ 6.0 + Windows XP下调试通过。因为当时游戏总是更新(防止外挂),这个外挂程序也不得不跟着更新,以便发给注册的用户,所以源代码显得有点乱。不过这几天我将里面重要的函数和模块都做了注释,相信大家如果认真研究,还是能够看得懂的。此外挂程序有下面几个功能:1。复制装备2。强行PK3。免费登陆4。对高级用户来说,还提供了分析游戏数据的功能实现原理 程序运行便定时查找目标程序(ssj游戏),如果发现便向其进程空间注入一个DLL,以便截获所有与服务器交互的封包。下面就是分析这些封包,对特定封包进行修改了。程序的核心就在修改封包上。王艳平程序设计小站(www.yanping.net)-(this is the online collection of other people's procedure is only for learning) of this procedure is my last several graduate students write nothing at all, it was I wrote some classes and functions. Ssj closure of the game now, so I will be publishing the source code. All of these source code in VC 6.0 under Windows XP through debugging. Because the game is always updated (to prevent external), the plug had to follow the update to registered users to, the source code is somewhat arbitrary. But these days I will be important function inside and modules have done a footnote, I believe that if we seriously study, or to see to understand. This plug is below several functions : 1. Two reproduction equipment. PK forced three. Four free landing. For advanced users, also provides the data an