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 详细说明:对象:想学好计算机图形学的大学生,老师和工程人员内容:动态的演示了图形生成过程,详细的源代码使你粘贴后就可以运行,其中包括DDA、bresenham、逐点比较法直线生成算法;bresenham,DDA,中点画圆算法;n次bezier,spline,Bspling,Hermite曲线生成算法;单线性,双线性,Bezier曲面生成算法;矢量,点阵字符生成算法;扫描填充,种子填充算法,多边形,直线裁剪算法;平移,比例,旋转,原点对称,错切变换算法;斜测投影,一点,二点,三点透视算法;消影,斜平行投影,正轴测投影,透视投影算法,光照立体球,光照圆环,光照双线性曲面等等!如果需要安装图形学演示系统的请到这下载: : If you want to learn computer graphics students, teachers and staff : a dynamic demonstration of graphics generation process, the detailed source code so that you can run after the paste, including DDA, bresenham, point by point comparison Linear Algorithm; Bresenham, DDA, Stipples Yuan algorithm; n bezier, spline, Bspling, Hermite curve generation algorithm; single, bilinear, Bezier surface generation algorithm; vector, Character generation algorithm; scanning fill the seed filling algorithm, polygons, linear cutting algorithm; translation, proportion, rotation , the origin of symmetry, Shear Transform algorithm; oblique Projection, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 Perspective algorithm; Consumers shadow, parallel oblique projection is isometric projection, perspective projection algorithm, a th
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