详细说明:课程安排,用拓扑排序实现4、实现课程的拓扑排序。(选)(加)问题描述:软件专业的学生要学习一系列课程,其中有些课程必须在其先修课程完成后才能学习,具体关系见下表:课程编号 课程名称 先决条件C1 程序设计基础 无C2 离散数学 C1C3 数据结构 C1,C2C4 汇编语言 C1C5 操作系统 C3假设每门课程的学习时间为一学期,试为该专业的学生设计教学计划,使他们能在最短的时间内修完这些课程。 -Curriculum, using topological sorting realize 4 courses realize topological sort. (Election) (Canada) Problem Description: Software professional students to learn a series of courses, some of which courses must be completed in its prevocational curriculum in order to learn the specific relationship between the table below: Course Code Course Title prerequisite program design based on non-C1 C2 Discrete Mathematics C1C3 data structure C1, C2C4 assembly language operating system C1C5 assumption C3 for each course of study time for one semester, the students test the design of teaching programs, so that they can in the shortest time possible to complete these courses.