详细说明:在MATLAB环境下实现基于矢量量化的说话人识别系统。在实时录音的情况下,利用该说话人识别系统,对不同的人的1s~7s的语音进行辨识。实现与文本无关的自动说话人确认的实时识别。使用说明:1 训练打开Matlab 使Current Directory为VQ所在的文件夹(比如:E:\vq)在Command windows中输入 -in MATLAB environment based VQ Speaker Recognition System. Real-time recording in the circumstances, the speaker recognition system, the different people of one's voice-7s for identification. Implementation and text-independent speaker recognition automatic real-time identification. Use : Matlab opened a training Current Directory to make VQ where the folder (for example, : E : \ vq) in the Command windows input