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宋明健1, a 汤连生1, b 胡辉2 王大志1, b 徐通1, b
( 1. 中山大学   a. 工学院  b. 地球科学系  广州  510275) (2. 暨南大学 土木工程学院  广州 510632)

摘  要:鉴于基坑支护中常见的直撑设计一般都没有考虑基坑位移和土压力的变化,文中首先总结了土压力和基坑位移之间非线性关系的研究现状,分析了随坑壁转动时土压力大小和方向的变化规律,在此基础上,推导了直撑轴力和坑壁位移之间、以及直撑纵向变形与坑壁位移之间的数学关系式。结合工程实例,进一步研究了直撑轴力和变形随基坑初始位移、支撑点、土压力作用点、土体与挡土结构间摩擦角等因素变化时的发展变化规律。研究表明,直撑轴力和变形随基坑位移、支撑点高度、土体与挡土结构之间摩擦角的增加而减小,随土压力作用点高度的增加而增大,与基坑初始位移值基本无关。
关  键  词:支撑;直撑;基坑;土压力;位移
中图分类号:TU 443     文献标识码:A

Mechanical Characteristics of Straight Brace Considering Displacement of Foundation pit and Direction of Earth Pressure

SONG Ming-jian1, a  TANG Lian-sheng1, b  HU Hui2  WANG Da-zhi1, b  XU Tong1, b
(1. Sun Yat-sen University  a. School of Engineering  b. Department of Earth Sciences  Guangzhou 510275)
(2. College of Civil Engineering, Jinan University  Guangzhou 510632)

Abstract: It is generally realized that earth pressure will change with the deformation and displacement of foundation pit. But at present the design of straight brace does not almost consider earth pressure changing with displacement of foundation pit. Firstly, the researches and achievements on the nonlinear relation of earth pressure and the displacement of foundation pit are summarized. Secondly, the rules on earth pressure changing with the displacement and movement of the side of foundation pit are discussed. On the basis of the present researches and the change rules on earth pressure changing with displacement of foundation pit, new formulas of axis force and deformation of straight brace considering the rotation or movement of the side of foundation pit are presented. At last, the curves of axis force and deformation of straight brace changing with some factors are obtained. Those factors include different initial displacement of foundation pit, supporting location of straight brace, friction angle of soil and retaining structure, resultant force action point of earth pressure. Conclusions can be drawn as follows from these curves: axis force and deformation of straight brace will diminish with the increase of displacement of foundation pit, supporting location height of straight brace or friction angle of soil and retaining structure. The height enhancement of resultant force action point of earth pressure will improve axis force and deformation of straight brace. But the initial displacement of the side of foundation pit has no influence on axis force and deformation of straight brace.
Key words: brace; straight brace; foundation pit; earth pressure; displacement


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