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   Abstract:Fly technically along with the network to develop soon, get to the Internet increasingly universal, many beginnings wade the friends of the net sea to all dream of to own personal own website, starting build up own personal world on the network.The multimedia is technical increasingly mature and universal, increased the endless fun and magic powers for our network.This text how constuct a mature multi-media personal network to launch the discussion, introduce personal website construction, the template establish, the template establishes the web page and creates to flick the window way special effect web page open etc., still relate the website in addition of up spread and release, basic expansion etc. of the website.The characteristics that aims at personal website put forward the design step and principles of the website's mold piece, to expect the folio to start or prepare to constuct personal friend of website to have the help.

  Keyword:Multimedia; Personal network; Applied template; Flick the window way open;  The expansion of the website

   目      录

  第1章   个人网站设计规划………………………………… 1

  1.1  确定网站主题 ……………………………………… 1

  1.2  确定网站名称…………………………………………2

  1.3  确定网站的目录结构…………………………………2

  1.4  确定网站的整体风格及设计创意……………………3

  1.5  确定版面的主要栏目和布局…………………………3

  1.6  站点的规划与管理……………………………………5

  1.6.1  规划网站………………………………………… 5

  1.6.2  创建本地站点…………………………………… 7

  第2章  设计制作网页………………………………………15

  2.1  认识网页………………………………………………15

  2.1.1  什么是网页……………………………………… 15

  2.1.2  网页与网站的关系……………………………… 17

  2.1.3  认识HTML…………………………………………18

  2.2  网页设计的基本原则…………………………………18

  2.3  网站字体与色彩的选择………………………………20

  2.3.1  选择站点的标准字体…………………………… 20

  2.3.2  网站的色彩选择………………………………… 20

  2.4  网页设计师必备的基本素质…………………………21

  2.4.1  审美能力………………………………………… 21

  2.4.2  文化素质…………………………………………22

  2.4.3  设计风格…………………………………………22

  2.5  创建模板…………………………………………… 22

  2.6  应用模板创建网页………………………………… 35

  第3章  制作弹出窗口…………………………………… 46

  第4章  站点的上传与发布……………………………… 58

  第5章  网站的推广……………………………………… 60

  5.1  借助网络广告……………………………………… 60

  5.2  注册搜索引擎……………………………………… 61

  5.3  利用友情链接……………………………………… 62


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