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论文编号:JR227  论文字数:35360,页数:65   金融学(金融理财方向)硕士毕业论文

摘 要
 关键词:我国  家庭理财规划  投资组合  金融工具

Since reform and opening up in 1978, China''''s rapid economic growth, population expansion of the family wealth is accumulating, however, China''''s economic system from a planned economy to a market economy, changes in capital market is becoming more open, people face the future more and more uncertainty, which makes every family must be achieved through the financial life of their family goals and improve quality of life. As the importance of financial management, it has increasingly become the focus of the family. Residents in our country than the one-sided way of family financial planning, financial management is concerned about the wealth of the vast majority of the multiplier effect, the lack of long-term, rigorous and scientific; Secondly, a single attention to a particular financial instrument investment income, ignoring the species between the organic combination of financial instruments and financial management issues such as risk aversion; the last in the family throughout the process of financial management, family investors less risk perception, and lack of risk control, leading to the final financial results and objectives a gap between, and can not achieve the set financial goals. For household financial management of the process of China''''s current problems, this paper uses the life-cycle theory and portfolio theory a set of guiding ideology is scientific and feasible way of family financial management, to improve the current status of family financial planning ideas were explored. This thesis is divided into seven parts: The first chapter describes some of the major introduction to the study of family financial planning background, significance and research methods, and foreign scholars on the proposition that a summary of the research; The second chapter from the perspective of family financial management by defining the meaning of family financial planning, for research to be undertaken following this direction; The third chapter is based on family financial planning Introduction to the Theory of the two. First, this part of the basic theory of family financial planning - life cycle theory and portfolio theory are described in detail, and then summarize the theoretical guiding principle of family financial planning. Chapter IV, respectively, of the current residents of several financial instruments commonly used financial function to do a detailed description and from the profitability, liquidity and financial security characteristics of the three made a comparative analysis, and finally, the use of life-cycle theory and portfolio proposed a method of family financial planning. This part of the family financial planning to establish the framework for analysis of the following pave the way for family financial planning; Chapter V analyzes the current status of family financial planning, this part of the main body of this article, through the structure of income and financial assets, to analyze the current financial planning of family problems and the reasons for these problems; Optimization of Chapter VI of the way residents in family financial planning, this chapter is to focus on writing the full text. Recognized the problem should take measures to improve the article first provides financial solutions Ping An analysis of the last of the current family financial planning recommendations for improvement; Chapter VII is the full text of the summary and outlook. Key words: China  financial planning  portfolio  financial instruments

第一章  导论 1
第一节  研究背景及研究意义 1
第二节  国内外研究综述 1
一、国外研究综述 1
二、国内研究综述 4
第三节  研究方法和内容 6
一、研究内容 6
二、本文的研究方法 6
三、本文创新点 8
四、本文不足点 8
第二章  对家庭理财规划内涵的界定 8
一、美国理财师资格鉴定委员会对于家庭理财规划的定义 9
二、中国金融标准委员会对于家庭理财规划的定义 9
三、本文界定的家庭理财规划的内涵 9
第三章  家庭理财规划的基础理论 9
第一节  生命周期理论 9
一、个人财务生命周期 10
二、家庭生命周期 10
三、生命周期理论给家庭理财规划提供的理论依据 11
第二节  投资组合理论 11
一、Markowits均值——方差模型 11
二、资本资产定价模型 12
三、投资组合理论给家庭理财规划提供的理论依据 13
第四章  几种常用金融理财工具在家庭理财规划中的理财功能和理财特点比较分析 14
第一节  几种常用金融理财工具在家庭理财规划中的理财功能分析 14
一、储蓄存款在家庭理财规划中的理财功能分析 14
二、债券在家庭理财规划中的理财功能分析 17
三、投资基金在家庭理财规划中的理财功能分析 19
四、股票在家庭理财规划中的理财功能分析 20
五、保险在家庭理财规划中的理财功能分析 21
第二节  几种常用金融理财工具在家庭理财规划中的理财特点比较分析 23
一、在家庭理财规划中的几种常用金融理财工具收益性的比较分析 23
二、在家庭理财规划中的几种常用金融理财工具流动性的比较分析 24
三、在家庭理财规划中的几种常用金融理财工具安全性的比较分析 24
第三节  生命周期理论和投资组合理论为家庭理财规划提供的理财方法和路径选择 26
一、基于生命周期理论制定一个长期理财规划 26
二、利用投资组合控制投资风险 29
第五章  当前我国居民家庭理财规划现状及存在问题分析 32
第一节  当前我国家庭收入状况及金融资产总量分析 32
第二节  当前我国家庭金融资产结构现状分析 34
一、手持现金比例持续下降 35
二、储蓄存款比例在家庭金融资产中占据主导地位不变 35
三、债券的比重变化和储蓄有协同性,逐渐呈现下降趋势 35
五、保险准备金资产在家庭资产中所占的比例稳中有升 36
第三节  当前我国家庭理财规划存在的问题分析 37
一、当前我国家庭理财规划中金融资产结构过多集中于储蓄 37
二、当前我国家庭理财规划中家庭资产组合的安全性较低 37
三、当前我国家庭理财规划时家庭资产抵御风险能力较差 38
四、当前对我国家庭理财规划的服务行业发展不完善 39
第六章  对我国居民家庭理财规划的实证分析 40
第一节  我国居民家庭理财规划的实证分析 40
一、在进行家庭理财规划时生命阶段因素分析 44
二、在进行家庭理财规划时家庭资产规模因素分析 45
三、在进行家庭理财规划时个人风险承受能力的因素分析 45
第二节  对当前我国家庭理财规划的思路探索 47
一、根据家庭的整个生命周期制定长期的理财规划 47
二、增加保险资产的配置 48
三、各种资产之间的配置比例要适当 48
四、资产配置比例应该进行动态调整 49
第七章 研究结论与展望 50
参考文献 51
致谢 54

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