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论文编号:JR113     字数:10545,页数:14,有外文翻译,和文献综述

摘  要
 旅游已一跃成为世界一大产业,其在经济格局中的产业地位已逐渐被公认,发展潜力巨大。中国正处于跨世纪的旅游业大发展进程中,并已成为世界第六大旅游目的地,旅游业的收入已超过 4%。随着全球旅游的稳定发展,以及中心向亚太转移,我国的旅游业必将达到空前水平,成为名副其实的重要支柱产业。旅游业因其产业关联度大、经济效益好、就业范围广,因而能够大幅度促进当地区域经济的发展。
 2009年上半年,东莞旅游业仍然步履维艰,如何在金融风暴下生存和发展,将是东莞旅游业要面对的首要问题。展望2009 年下半年,国民休闲计划的实施细则的出台,2009 年下半年的东莞旅游市场一样值得期待。
关键词:东莞旅游业  SWOT分析 发展对策

 Tourism has become an industry in the world and has been publicly recognized in the economic structure, has great potentiality. China is now in the development progress of tourism, and becomes the sixth tourist resort of the world, its revenue has surpassed 4% of the world. During the course of tourism development, the tourism in China will become the main industry. Owing to the features of tourism, it can significantly promote the development of regional economy, tourism is related with other industries, has good economic effect and improve employment.
 To 2009, the Dongguan tourism industry’s general view are still not clear, how to survive and develop after the financial crisis, it will be the primary problem of Dongguan tourism industry. Outlook the last six month of 2009, the details of National Leisure plans implementation, the tourism market of Dongguan is worth looking forward to in last six month of 2009.
 My article recommends development trends and characteristics of Dongguan in  tourism industry ,summarized the experience and lessons in the evolution of Dongguan cities, and according to the trends of the 21st century puts forward the referable suggestion on the development of tourism industry of Dongguan .
 Key words: Dongguan toutism industry  SWOT  develop strategy

目   录
 一、引言 1
 二、旅游业的定义和东莞旅游业的概况 1
 (一)旅游业的定义 1
 (二)东莞旅游业现状与特点 2
 三、东莞旅游业发展的SWOT分析 6
 (一)S(srtength),东莞旅游业发展的优势 6
 (二)W(weakness),东莞旅游业存在的问题 6
 (三)O(opportunity),东莞旅游业发展面临的机遇 7
 (四)T(threat),2009年东莞旅游业发展所面临的威胁 8
 四、东莞游游业发展对策 9
 (一)总体发展战略 9
 (二)竞争战略 10
 (三)可持续发展战略 11
 (四)联动战略 11
 (五)国际化战略 12
 五、总结 12
 参考文献 12
 致    谢 14

  • 上一篇资讯: 中国企业对外投资研究
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