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论文编号:JR159  论文字数:11795,页数:16


China''''s small and medium-sized private enterprises in the financial crisis, suffered a huge blow, not only in the Chinese context, worldwide, the private enterprise financial strength constraint, compared to the strength of the state-owned enterprises, China''''s small and medium-sized private enterprise to fight risk ability is very low, so the the biggest impact, influence range is the biggest, can be said to be China''''s small and medium-sized private enterprises winter. On the other hand, although the financial crisis on China s most of the small and medium-sized private enterprises have resulted in different degrees of impact, or even make a lot of medium and small businesses had to go down, but through the years, wheezing, most of the private enterprises have gradually recover traces, in the process, the financial crisis of enterprises difficulties to be more attention to avoid recurrence, and have many opportunities to help small and medium enterprises to smoothly realize the development, needs the enterprise owners to hold.

Key words: financial crisis; small private enterprise; crisis management; development approach


摘要与关键词 1
Abstract 2
1.绪论 3
1.1.问题的提出 3
1.2.中外研究现状与文献回顾 3
1.2.1.国外方面 3
1.2.2.国内方面 4
2.相关概念界定 5
2.1.金融危机 5
2.2.我国中小私营企业 5
2.3.私营企业在金融危机中的具体事例 5
3.我国中小私营企业在金融危机中出现的危机 5
3.1.企业内部危机 5
3.1.1.企业内部员工 6
3.1.2.企业制度 6
3.2.企业外部危机 6
3.2.1.信誉危机 7
3.2.2.合作企业 7
3.2.3.其他不利因素 7
 3.3.本章小结 7
4.我国中小私营企业顺利走出危机顺利发展的途径 8
4.1.国家政策扶持 8
4.2.市场机遇 8
4.3.企业内部措施 8
4.4.本章小结 8
5.我国中小私营企业容易受到危机侵袭的原因 9
5.1.原因总结 8
5.2.本章小结 8
致谢辞 10
参考文献 11

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