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论文编号:JR229  论文字数:33204,页数:55   金融学(金融理财)硕士毕业论文



 Personal Finance (personal wealth management), is the comprehensive, multi-level and personalized financial service which is based on analyzing and valuing the clients’ wealth and the general requirements from the financial professional to the investor. In China, as the continuous improvement of quality of the residents’ life and the accumulation of the residents’ wealth, the personal finance has been flourished for several years.
 At present, although the service and quality of personal finance becoming improved, the existed problem is that the kind of the service and the financial product is too single. Thus, all kinds of the financial institutions, especially the commercial bank, pay the most attention to the innovation for expending the business and acquiring the high profit. One of the most noteworthy is the Asset Securitization, which has been started in 2005 in our country ,  Asset Securitization could broaden the financial channel for the companies, expanding the business for the financial institutions and diversify the financial planning for the personal investors. For its innovative, that is , the business has been developed only for 6 years, there exists many risks such as legal risk, political risk, credit risk and so on, and the most common one is the credit risk. For our practical status, we have developed the business is under the SPT Model all along; on the other hand, the investor of the business contains personal investor and the institutional investor, the article is only for the personal finance. Thus, the article is aim to research the credit risk of the financial planning in our country which is based on the Asset Securitization.
 The article starts from the basic introduction of the Asset Securitization and analyzing the opportunity and the credit risk of the financial planning by combining with the recent status of the Asset Securitization. After drawing the Behavior Finance into the subject and use the model into the personal finance in our country, the article put forward the suggestion to the credit risk into the creative personal finance of our country.
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
第一节  选题的背景及研究意义 1
一、选题的背景 1
二、研究意义 3
第二节  理论与文献综述 4
一、我国个人理财业务创新之综述 4
二、资产证券化及其信用风险综述 6
第三节  研究方法 8
第四节  主要创新点 9
第二章 我国创新型理财业务——“资产证券化SPT模式”的发展现状及问题 10
第一节  资产证券化概述 10
一、相关概念界定 10
二、交易结构与参与主体的功能实现 12
第二节  我国资产证券化SPT模式的发展现状,问题 16
一、资产证券化SPT模式为我国个人理财业务的发展带来新契机 16
二、我国资产证券化SPT业务存在的问题 16
第三章 资产证券化SPT模式的信用风险问题 20
第一节  个人理财中的信用风险分析 20
一、信用风险基本介绍 20
二、信用风险在传统个人理财业务中的体现 20
第二节  资产证券化SPT模式中交易主体的信用风险承担 21
一、资产证券化SPT模式的最大障碍——信息不对称 21
二、交易主体的信用风险承担 22
第三节  资产证券化的信用风险与博弈均衡 25
一、博弈均衡与纳什均衡 25
二、资产证券化的信用风险与博弈均衡 25
第四章 我国资产证券化SPT业务的信用风险分析——模型设计 28
第一节  “行为金融学”框架下的投资者决策 28
一、“前景理论”下投资者的决策心态 28
二、“前景理论”在资产证券化SPT业务中的应用 31
第二节  BSV基础上拓展的投资者决策模型 32
一、模型假设 32
二、模型设定 33
三、模型结论及应用 35
第五章 防范我国创新型理财业务——“资产证券化SPT模式”信用风险的建议 38
第一节  防范创新型理财业务信用风险的必要性 38
第二节  建议与对策 38
一、防范信用风险不可或缺的方法——信用増级 38
二.建议与对策 40
第六章 结论 44
第一节  本文的主要工作及结论 44
第二节  本文的不足及后续研究内容 45
参考文献 46
致谢 49

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