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论文编号:JR230  论文字数:38070,页数:57   金融学(商业银行方向)硕士毕业论文


 In recent years,with the development of China’s capital market,China''''s huge market potential has attracted many foreign private equity funds push onward our private equity market.As a result,China launched a private equity investment.In our new economic situation,Private equity funds as a new financial tool is quite important for improving China''''s capital market,reducing market risk,and promote the development of high-tech industry, which have been confirmed in the private equity investment fund of some developed countries.In recent years,private equity investment fund contribution to economic development in China is proved it.
 The operation of private equity funds, including options, design of investment programs, monitoring and exit the three-four steps, the article first private equity investment fund for an overview of the relevant content, private equity investment in the readers have a basic understanding of the Fund on the basis of proposed private equity fund is the most important aspect, which is realized investment gains realized on ways and means, the relationship between the interests of each investor determines the operation of the entire private equity investment fund success, so choose This specialized research areas. Article on the various private equity funds to exit the way described and compared based on the combination of private equity funds in recent years, the actual situation of withdrawal from the country about the current legal environment, capital markets, economic cycles, each listed on the market conditions and industry growth by investment companies and enterprises in which the life cycle of private equity funds can exit a greater impact. And the status and impact of these factors, obtained private equity investment fund of the existence of the withdrawal of inadequate laws and regulations, underdeveloped capital markets, intermediary service organizations and professionals, lack of private equity funds in China exit , then the impact of China private equity investment funds. Therefore, in order to promote private equity investment fund of the development, improve the investment funds of private equity exit channels, we need to improve laws and regulations, build a multi-level capital market and institutional personnel to complete construction and other aspects of private equity funds exit mechanism.
Keywords:capital markets;private equity;Exit manner

摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章  导论 1
第一节   研究的背景和意义 1
一、研究的背景 1
二、研究的意义 1
第二节    文献综述 3
一、国内研究现状 3
二、国外研究现状 5
第三节    研究方法 7
一、比较分析方法 7
二、理论联系实际的分析方法 7
三、图例分析法 7
第四节    论文结构安排 8
第五节    本文的创新与不足 8
第二章  私募股权投资基金概述 9
第一节    私募股权投资基金的界定 9
第二节    私募股权投资基金的特点 9
第三节    私募股权投资基金的投资流程 11
第三章  私募股权投资基金退出的内涵 13
第一节    私募股权投资基金退出的含义 13
第二节    私募股权投资基金退出的原因 13
一、退出是私募股权投资基金投资变现的途径 13
二、退出是私募股权投资基金实现收益的方式 14
三、退出是私募股权投资基金降低风险的方法 14
第三节    私募股权投资基金退出的流程 14
第四章  私募股权投资基金的退出方式 16
第一节    私募股权投资基金的退出方式 16
一、首次公开发行上市(IPO) 16
二、兼并收购(M&A) 17
三、股份回购方式(Buy-back) 17
四、融资型反向收购(APO) 18
五、破产清算(Write-off) 19
第二节    私募股权投资基金各种退出方式的比较 20
第三节    私募股权投资基金对退出方式的选择偏好 21
一、私募股权投资基金投资企业的分类 21
二、各类企业退出方式的选择 21
第五章 我国私募股权投资基金退出的影响因素及存在问题 23
第一节    我国私募股权投资基金退出的影响因素 23
一、法律环境的影响 23
二、经济周期对我国私募股权投资基金退出的影响 26
三、各个市场对我国私募股权投资基金退出的影响 28
四、被投资企业的行业成长性对私募股权投资基金退出的影响 32
五、被投资企业所处的生命周期的影响 34
第二节    我国私募股权投资基金退出中存在的问题 36
一、缺乏与退出方式相适应的法律法规 36
二、国内资本市场发展不完善 37
三、中介服务机构的运作不规范 39
四、专业性的私募股权投资人才匮乏 39
第六章  完善我国私募股权投资基金退出的对策 41
第一节    法律法规的完善方面 41
一、出台有关法律法规 41
二、修改有关法律法规 42
第二节    构建多层次的资本市场 43
一、加强主板市场发展,鼓励企业境内上市 43
二、进一步完善中小板市场 44
三、大力发展创业板市场 44
四、建立全国统一的产权交易市场 45
第三节    培养专业的机构人才 46
一、加强中介服务体系的建设 46
二、加强私募股权投资基金专业人才的培养 47
第七章  结论与展望 48
第一节    结论 48
第二节    展望 48
参考文献 49
致谢 52

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