论文编号:JR226 论文字数:36763,页数:56 金融学硕士毕业论文
Personal finance planning , in a broad sense can be extended to a person from birth to death of all planning。“The finance” of Personal finance planning, not only mean money--material wealth but also includes a person''''s spiritual wealth.For example the mood of joy and the happiness of life should be included in this category.
But all of these implemented in daily life is returned to one of the most practical issues—money.Can not make bricks without straw, there is no money will fulfill some things or less than perfect.In recent years, financial planning began to appear in person and the family’s "agenda", the personal financial planning has aroused interest.
How to use the money make more money? How to use the existing money with the smaller hedge risk exposure and maximize the value?
Therefore, this paper focus on the personal finance planing in the daily life. Describes what is personal finance planning means, and its significance. The problems of finance planning in China, various tools characteristics with finance planning, useing the portfolio theory in the financial Planning, use case illustrates the application of portfolio theory.
The main content and structure is as follows:
Chapter I, introduction, the paper mainly discusses the significance, background, literature review, research ideas and research methods etc.
Chapter II, personal finance planning overview, which tells the basic concepts、meaning、value of personal finance planning, personal finance industry in the development of China''''s current situation and existing problems.In the final section, focusing on the financial management tools that individual and family often chooseed in the modern market, and analyzed the characteristics of various financial tools ,for example the risk, profitability, liquidity. different risk preferences of investors according to their characteristics choose their own financial management tools.
Chapter III, the effective portfolio theory, which is the core of personal financial planning. This chapter first introduces the theory of efficient portfolio involves some basic definitions, then introduce the basic concepts of the portfolio, the portfolio return and risk calculations, and finally obtained according to financial planning portfolio theory should watch out for.
Chapter IV, case study, because of different investors have different risk preferences, so the portfolio for different course. This chapter draws on multi-objective portfolio model portfolio theory. Pull two parameters in the original portfolio, the parameters represent the risk-return preferences of investors and the degree of optimism on financial markets, this portfolio designed more adapt to the different investors.Author uses actual cases, analyzing the status of a family situation and its existing portfolio, and pull into the portfolio model, by assuming the two parameter values, obtained several different portfolio options, and selected the best investment for this family. In the final section, summarizes portfolio theory applied in the importance of financial management, the existing problems and improvement measures.
Chapter V, conclusion, the paper focuses on the application of quantitative analysis of the portfolio, pulling the parameters in the model of the creative work and research of efficient portfolios in the sense of personal finance application. Finally, I pointed out several shortage of my paper, and I will research them in future.
Key words: Portfolios;Personal Finance;Financial Tools
第一章 引言 1
第一节 选题的背景及研究意义 1
第二节 文献综述 2
一、投资组合理论在国外的发展 2
二、国内学者对投资组合理论的研究 4
三、个人理财理论的发展历程 5
第三节 研究思路与研究方法 8
第二章 个人理财概述 9
第一节 个人理财的基本概念 9
第二节 个人理财的意义以及价值 11
一、个人理财的意义 11
二、个人理财的价值 12
第三节 我国个人理财业的发展 13
一、个人理财在我国的发展趋势 13
二、我国个人理财发展中存在的问题及改善方法 15
第四节 各种理财工具的比较分析 16
一、银行存款作为理财工具的性质特点 17
二、银行理财产品的性质特点 18
三、债券作为理财工具的性质特点 19
四、股票作为理财工具的性质特点 21
五、基金作为理财工具的性质特点 22
六、保险作为理财工具的性质特点 23
七、房地产作为理财工具的性质特点 24
八、其他理财工具 26
第三章 有效投资组合理论 30
第一节 一些基本定义 30
一、持有期收益率 30
二、期望收益率 30
三、方差、标准差 31
四、协方差与相关系数 31
第二节 有效投资组合理论 32
第三节 不同类型理财主体对应不同的投资组合 33
第四章 案例分析 37
第一节 有效投资组合理论在理财中的应用 37
一、理财工具的选择 37
二、投资时间安排 38
三、投资比例的确定 38
四、举例说明 39
第二节 投资组合的实际案例分析 40
第三节 投资组合应用于个人理财中存在的问题及改进措施 43
一、投资组合理论在个人理财应用中的评价 43
二、投资组合理论在个人理财应用中存在的问题 43
三、投资组合理论在个人理财应用中的改进措施 44
第五章 结论 46
参考文献 47
致谢 50