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论文编号:JR117     字数:11164,页数:17,有任务书,开题报告,毕业工作总结

摘   要

 At the “Knowledge-based Economy” time, intellectual property rights has become one of the most important symbols of this age. The importance of intellectual property rights has been known by all countries of the world, all countries takes intellectual property rights protection as an important strategy to participate the global economic and technology competition on their agenda. An appropriate Intellectual property rights protection policy is a key factor for developing countries to overcome the short-term technical difficulties and promote the long-term economic growth. This article is based on the background of developing countries to protect intellectual property rights, and carries on analysis about the positive and negative affect on the intellectual property rights protection of developing countries, then puts forward certain policy proposal to the intellectual property rights protection of developing countries.
 Key words:Intellectual property rights protection, Developing countries, Economic growth

目  录
摘   要 I
Abstract I
目  录 II
一、知识产权保护的概述 1
二、知识产权保护对发展中国家经济的积极影响 2
(一)促进国内R&D投资和技术创新 2
(二)促进发展中国家的技术扩散 4
(三)促进技术密集部门的外国投资和技术转移 5
三、知识产权保护对发展中国家经济的负面影响 7
(一)降低国家的福利水平,加剧国际收入的转移 7
(二)加大制度建设和管理成本 8
(三)提高技术产品的价格水平 8
(四)增加社会就业和企业转型的压力 9
四、发展中国家加强知识产权保护的对策 10
(一)发展中国家需要结成利益同盟 10
(二)建立国家知识产权战略 10
(三)加强本国企业知识产权管理和技术创新 11
(四)利用TRIPS的灵活条款,建立知识产权反垄断策略 12
结 论 13
参考文献 1
致 谢 2

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